Mandy and the Tentacle Monster (Urf Oomons #1)

Mandy and the Tentacle Monster: Chapter 25

Ok, so Seven’s room doesn’t have a bed. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ (ꜰind)ɴʘvel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I had been wondering why he was so set on moving my stuff into his place instead of inviting me to spend the night. As it turns out, Seven’s room is a very bare space, nothing in it except a circular hole in the floor. When I peer into the hole, it looks to be filled with water. Is this a hot tub?

I dip my toe in and it feels warm, a little above room temp. And it feels thick like jelly. Oh, yuck, it’s stuck to my toe!

“Seven, why do you have a tub of goop in your room?” I inquire.

He looks at me for a second and then at the goo, “It is for sleep. When I sleep out in the air, my tentacle arms will twitch around, bumping into things and causing me to wake. When I submerge my tentacle arms in this jelly, they are held still for my whole sleep cycle. It allows for maximum rest.”

“Ok, but I can’t sleep in goop,” I don’t want to try. It feels gross. I’m pretty disappointed that I don’t get to snuggle in a bed with my guy. I guess that’s what I get for picking an alien boyfriend.

“Yes, I thought we could assemble your nest here,” He gestures to the far side of the goo-tub, “there is plenty of room for it. I will retrieve your nesting materials, do not worry. Wait here please,” he leaves without waiting for a reply.

I sit back to wait. Seven has left me alone and bored with my thoughts. I hope he’s quick because I don’t want to sit here thinking about this dangerous pregnancy. Or my missing friends. Or my unfindable planet. Or my enslaved fellow humans. Most of the thoughts popping into my head are the anxiety-inducing kind that I don’t want to dwell on right before sleep.

The door swooshes open and there’s Seven, his arms piled high with my “nesting materials.” I’ve told him a few times that the human word is “Bed” and the cloth material on a bed is “bedding” or “blankets.”

“Would you like me to assemble this for you?” He asks, ever helpful.

“No, but you can help. Come stand here and hold all of it for me,” I command. I take a piece at a time out of his arms, folding, fluffing, and bunching stuff together until I have a comfortable sleeping area and Seven’s arms are empty. As I finish up, he starts combing his fingers through my hair and trilling a purr.

When I glance over at him he’s turned a bright pink all over. This is the happiest color I’ve ever seen on him. He has been a little pink, interspersed with orange and purple ever since I told him about the pregnancy. I’ve chosen to interpret that as him being pleased about his potential fatherhood. And it might be that he really likes how I smell now? Anyway, this right now, me having my “nest” in his room seems to make him happiest. That’s kind of cute. His good mood puts me in a good mood and I lean over and squeeze him in a tight hug.

He trills a loud purr and asks, “Is it going well?”

I’m confused by what he means, and then I remember saying, “we’ll see how it goes”

“Yes. I think I should sleep here from now on,” I say very deliberately just to see if he can turn any pinker or purr any louder. And he does! He seems to glow pink and he sweeps me up into his arms. He is purring so strongly that there is a rumbling vibration throughout my whole body.

His purr quiets down a smidge and he looks like he’s trying to decide how to say something.

“What?” I prompt him.

“I want to mouth-press you, but I am not-“

I pull him down and press my mouth to his giving him a quick, chaste kiss, then pull away.

“How was that?”

He ponders it for a second, rubbing his lips against each other.

“It was nice, but-“

I deliver another kiss, this one more enthusiastic. I open to him, tasting his bottom lip and being tasted. I move my whole body closer to his, craving the contact.

Then I pull away.

“How was that one?”

“Very nice. We should continue this line of inquiry. You continue mouth-pressing me and I will let you know how much I like it each time.” Two of his tentacle arms are wrapping around my ankles and sneaking up my calves as he talks.

“There are more fun human customs I can show you.”

“I could not enjoy anything more than you pressing your mouth to mine and moving your body against me. Let us continue with this,” he says. He begins to kiss me, but then abruptly stops to say, “Tiny, you are not to mouth-press or share any other fun human customs with any other males.”

I look at him in shocked surprise for a second. My kind, sweet Seven is being possessive?

“I’m not?”

“No, you will not!” The tentacle arms holding me all tighten, “You are my breed-mate, only mine.”

“Just because you say so?” I ask adopting a scandalized tone.

He turns, moving me with him until I’m backed against a wall. He is pinning me to it, his eyes and skin bright with feeling.

“We are breed-mates. You are hosting my young. You offered your affection and intimacies to me, and I claimed them for myself! I claim you for myself!” He kisses me forcefully, giving me no wiggle room. His mouth is firm and demanding, spearing me with his tongue, taking what I want to give him, then breaking away so I can take a deep breath.

“Your lips are for me. No one else!”

I nod and open my mouth to agree, but I gasp because one of his tentacles has reached up under my wrap-skirt, snaking around to firmly rub my pussy. I’m so turned on right now, so wet, I bet his tentacle is coated. It immediately mounts an invasion, spreading me open and caressing all the heated tender flesh he can reach.

“This hot little slit is for me,” he growls, and his exploring touch finds my clit. When I jerk and gasp, he focuses on it, practicing the best ways to make me gasp then moan. Then he kisses me deeply again. This guy is a quick learner. He’s mastered kissing already.

“Tiny, tell me you understand that we are mated. You are mine to pleasure, mine to breed and mine to seed,” he commands. He’s spreading my legs and has moved the tentacle arm out of the way and replaced it with a firm alien cock which he slowly pushes into me. And god, being with him again in this primal way, being filled by him after missing him for so long is sharply exquisite.

But I jerk in alarm, my eyes widening, “No seeding! Seven, we already have four!”

He stills, then smiles tenderly at me, combing a curl of hair away from my face and looking into my eyes, “Dear one, you are already seeded. It is done. You carry my young,” he withdraws slowly as he’s talking, then firmly fucks back into me, “You are mine,” he repeats, holding me to the wall, not allowing any movement, “Tell me. Say you are only mine.”

I take in a deliberate breath, “Yes, I’m yours. We’re mates.”

He grabs my chin in his clawed hand and gives me another deep, soul-searing kiss. He has pushed me up higher on the wall and my toes leave the floor and a tentacle arm pulls one leg up, bending it to open me up more as he fucks me with a driving intensity. I’ve called it a cock, but I need to get a look at what he’s working with. It curves, seems to flex and move on its own and there are ridges and it’s wider at the base. It’s very unlike a human cock. It doesn’t matter though, because he’s fucking me so good, with such intensity I’m coming already. I try to buck and strain with the pleasure of it, but he has a tight hold on me. And he’s fucking me through it until with a snarl, he thrusts hard, pushing me further up the wall and stills.

He seems to be in an orgasmic daze for a few seconds, frozen in bliss. It gives me a moment to think about how much I like the bossy, possessive side of Seven.

Still inside me, still hard he seems to come to, moving carefully, but not withdrawing.

“Again?” I ask with a giggle. He’s too much.

“Yes,” he starts moving with purpose, “again and again.”

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