Her Alpha’s Choice by Lily Pen

Chapter 19

Chapter 19


It was all a dream. It was exactly as I wished it was and now that I’m awake, I’m shook by the force of the drea

The pack doctor’s familiar worried face was in front of me when I woke up, an empty syringe in his hand. That must have been the cause of the tingling feeling I had just before I woke up from the dream.

“What happened?” I said, feeling a headache coming up. I tried to move my hand up to feel my head, but it felt really heavy. How did I get here?

The dream still has me reeling. It felt so real, almost like I was remembering something from my past or getting a vision of something that’s to happen in the future, even though I know the chances of something like that happening is zero to none. I haven’t done anything that could make them want to do something like that to me.

“You slumped, Gabriella. And if not because of the timely intervention of Alpha Matthew, you would have hit your head on something sharp and probably had an internal concussion, brain damage or worse, death” I don’t like doctors. He really didn’t have to tell me all of that as soon as I woke up.

“Have you run tests? What is wrong with me?”. I don’t remember slumping or any events leading to it. There’s has to be something more.

I know I don’t have any health issues that might require certain things that I haven’t done since I came here, so there’s no chance that that is what has happened to me.

And I don’t think I have contacted anything from staying here. They are ridiculously clean here, and sick people are usually quarantined for weeks before being let back into the pack so as not to transmit any sicknesses to other members. So what could have happened?

“Of course, we ran tests”. The doctor said, answering my question as he moved to dispose the syringe. He pulled up a chair and sat in front of me.” We’re still waiting for the lab to come in with the results because I can’t say for sure what I suspect. I’d rather have proof first”.

“What is it? Please let me know” I demanded. I know I shouldn’t talk to him like that, but I hate it when people are being excessively secretive. I want to know what has happened, and I would like to know it now.

“I’m afraid we’re going to have to wait until the results and Alpha Matthew both come in. I wouldn’t want to be wrong with my analysis, and he has to be there since he’s the alpha, and you’re his Luna”. He said and stood up.



Chapter 19

Despite feeling frustrated, I know there’s nothing I can do but wait. He couldn’t go. against his code of conduct and I have to respect that.

“Can I get a drink of water, at least, Doctor?” I asked. I am thirsty and the least they could do is give me something to drink.

“I’ll send someone in with it. In the meantime, please rest. You still need to recuperate from your weakness.

I’m not entirely strong but that doesn’t make me as weak as he is insinuating but he’s the doctor and he knows better. Before I could utter another word, he left the room without looking back in at me.

I relaxed into the bed because I had nothing else to do but to wait. I wonder why Matthew isn’t here. Usually if something like this happens, he’d be by my bedside. Or, is the dream true? I shook my head at the thought. It mustn’t be.

A knock on the door jarred me awake from a sleep I didn’t even know I had drifted into.

“Come in” I managed to say, hoping it was Matthew. It was a nurse bringing in water and that’s even better. My throat feels like it had been run over by a car several times.

“Thank you” I said to her as she dropped the class by my bedside and retreated. I drank the water, feeling immensely relieved and laid back down on the bed.

As soon as I closed my eyes, another knock sounded on the door and this time, the person outside didn’t wait for me to give permission before coming in.


He gave a smile when he saw that I was awake. A smile so genuine I couldn’t help but wonder how he became so evil in my


“I’m glad to see you up. I was worried for a while about you. I didn’t know what to do after you suddenly slumped so I brought you here. Do you feel better?” He asked, looking me up and down trying to see if I’m truly fine..

I smiled back at him and assured him that I was indeed fine. I know he didn’t really believe me but he stopped using his eyes to roam around in search for any wrong thing.

“Can you tell me what exactly happened. I have no recollection of it”. I want to know what happened so I can try to deduce what was going on.

“Well, you were on your way to the council meeting-“. I interrupted him with a whimper. I forgot about that. I need to leave here right now to plead our case. I’m sure my absence would just show them that I was too weak to rule, which I’m not.

Chapter 191

Can you please get the doctor for me? I need to leave this place and now. I have to get to the meeting”. I said, sitting

I ignored it. I need ve P in bed. I sat up too fast and I felt my head banging but


“Hey. Calm down. He tried to cajole me to lay back in bed but I couldn’t be persuaded.

“I can’t calm down, Matthew. The fate of the pack is upon me and the outcome of this. meeting. I would rather die than stay here allowing them to make a decision against me when I could have pleaded a strong case that would make sure that this pack gets a leader that cares about them while you’re still unable to lead” I know it’s sounding almost like I was bragging about my leadership skills but I wasn’t lying.

“Listen to me first. The meeting has been postponed. There hasn’t been any decisions. and there wouldn’t be until

You’re strong enough to go to the meeting. That was what was agreed upon. They can’t make a decision without you there. The pack members. know this and has agreed to it”.

I visibly calmed down in the bed and let out a breath of relief I didn’t know I was even holding. I laid back in bed and relaxed.

“You could have started with that, you know? Instead of putting me in a state of panic” teased him, knowing fully well that it wasn’t his fault and that I was the one who didn’t listen to what he was trying to tell me.


We both gave a small laugh.

“Oh, and the doctor wants to see us both before he can tell me what is wrong with me. I tried to ask beforehand but he didn’t budge. That hurt me because I thought he and I were good friends” I fake pouted even though I know he is right.

“I saw him on the way here and that’s what he told me. He’s just doing his job, don’t mind him”. Matthew said, stroking my arm.

“I know. I was just kidding”. I said and laughed out loud this time.

When we sobered, I asked Matthew,” what do you think could be wrong with me? I don’t have any medical issues that I know of so this is new. And you still didn’t tell me the rest of what happened to me”.

He looked at me with a kind of sadness in his eyes. “I don’t know what could be wrong exactly but I’m sure whatever it is would be solved and sorted” He squeezed my arm reassuringly and I nodded.

He continued to tell me what happened. Apparently, he had cornered me on my way to the meeting to wish me luck since he couldn’t attend since we’re deliberating on his own issue too. We had walked a few meters when I suddenly slumped and he caught me before I could hit the floor and brought me to the hospital where the doctor started to

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Chapter 191

take care of me.


He admitted how afraid he had felt when he thought about what could have happened if he wasn’t there or if he had been a little bit late in catching me since the doctor told him what he had told me earlier too.

“I’m sure it’s nothing serious. Maybe just fatigue from the stress of ruling all by myself for the last few days” I said to him after we got back on the topic of what could be wrong with me. I had a feeling it’s not something good but I didn’t want to alarm him or think about it too much myself.

“I’ll go and check on the doctor now to see if he is ready to see us. I’ll be back soon” He gave my arm a last squeeze before leaving the room.

I closed my eyes and tried to shut out the thoughts that were coming into my mind at this point. I didn’t want to think about all the possibilities of everything that could be wrong with me.

The door opened again, and Matthew came in, alone. He closed the door and came back to where he sat earlier.” He said he’s going to pick up the results now and that he will meet us here when he’s back”.

I nodded, and we chose to discuss other things to distract us from the fact that something might be wrong. We talked about everything apart from what is happening. and we laughed and smiled at talked more,

It was during one of our spontaneous laughter that the doctor came in, a sheet of paper in his hands. He saw us and gave a little smile, which was not really assuring, so we couldn’t gauge what has happened from his facial expression.

I have news, and it’s now up to you both to determine if it’s good or bad” He said as he walked further into the room.

Matthew and I looked at each other and then looked at the doctor, giving him a go ahead to break the news. We were prepared to receive the news. Best to get it over with instead of beating about the bush.

He read from the sheet of paper in his hands before looking up and at me.

“You’re pregnant”.


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