Fight for Me

Chapter Date

The next day at breakfast things were a little more lively than usual.

So many of the females were throwing themselves at Anthony. The man certainly had charm, and he had no problem entertaining them with his ridiculous stories.

Layla wasn’t too bothered by it, she was too focused on her conversation with Cody. He was explaining some tips on her fighting training and how he’s going to move it up a notch.

But just as Layla stood up, Anthony stopped her.

“Hey Layla. Do you have a minute?”

Everybody left in the dining room are looking up at them.

“Uhm,…..yeah. What can I do for you?”

“Well I was hoping that you’d accompany me into town to help me get a few things for the Harvest Moon Dinner next week.”

Layla just tilts her head, not really knowing what he would need help with. She thought it was just a small family dinner. She glimpses at Nicholas wondering if she needs approval, but his blank expression tells her there should be no problem.

“Yeah, sure.”

“Great.” He smiles brightly. “I’ll meet you outside at the car.” He walks past her.

When Layla gets her shoes from her room, she rushes outside, not wanting to keep Anthony waiting, she comes face to face with two Alphas standing outside the car, having a low conversation.

“Layla.” Anthony looks her way and opens the back door for her.

As she gets in she sees Rebecca sitting in the back as well, not even bothered to give her attention.

The two men get in the front seats, and Anthony drives off.

The ride started off quiet, before Anthony started rambling and talking to Layla.

She knew he was a talker. But with all the questions, she realized he was trying to find out more about her. She didn’t understand why. Apparently, he just wanted her opinion on helping him find a suit.

Nicholas and Rebecca joined because they apparently needed to get outfits too. She didn’t understand why she needed to go too, if the others were there too.

But Layla wasn’t going to complain. She was just happy to get outside a bit. She just hopes those trackers haven't tracked her to this town yet.

As they walked into a boutique, Anthony pulled her by her hand towards the suits. He clearly already knew what he wanted, but still humoured Layla with questions. She wasn’t impressed. Looking over, she noticed Nicholas looking over at them, not too impressed either. Rebecca went the other way to get herself a dress.

“Okay. Now that I have a suit, it’s time for you to get a dress.” Anthony pulls her along to the dresses.

“What?” She tries to pull her hand back, as Nicholas shoots up from his seat.

“Yeah. You need a dress too.”


“Yeah, why?” Nicholas finally speaks.

Anthony just smiles at him. “She’s going to be my date. So of course, she needs a dress.”

“Date?” Nicholas asks lowly as he raises a brow.

“What? I can’t be the only one of my brothers without a date. It’s a good thing I ran into this beauty though. Now I don’t need to settle for whoever comes along.”

But Layla is getting annoyed that they’re talking about her like she’s not even there.

“Who says I even want to be your date?”

The men go silent as they both look at her. Anthony seems taken aback while Nicholas slightly smirks.

“What do you mean? Why wouldn’t you want to be my date?” Anthony is confused with her remark.

“You never asked me to be your date.” She folds her arms.

“Well then.” He smiles brightly. “How would you like being my date for that evening?”

“It depends.” Anthony’s raises a brow at her. “What would it mean to be your date Alpha? Do you require me to just sit still and look pretty, or do you want me to keep you entertained whenever you get bored?”

Both men are stunned with her response. As alphas they’re definitely not used to people talking like that to them, especially not humans. And Anthony is at a loss for words. With the options she gave him, he knows neither one is the correct answer. He never had to think this hard trying to get a date.

“Well,……as my date you’ll definitely look gorgeous in anything, and I’ll be the one to keep you entertained, seeing you’ll be keeping me company.”

Layla taps her finger on her lips thinking it over, as she looks Anthony up and down.

“Lift your shirt.”

“What?” Anthony is confused.

“Well, you want to me to go as some ‘beauty’ as your date. It’s only fair I get to see what I’ll be working with too.” She points to his chest.

“So, wait. Your answer is based on seeing my abs?” Anthony smirks, not seeing an annoyed Nicholas behind him.


Anthony snickers as he lifts his shirt, too proud to show off his muscles. There are slight gasps from the boutique assistants seeing this man practically undressing in front of them, but too shy to admit they’re enjoying the view.

“Mmmh.” Layla hums looking at him. “Do all you brothers look like this?”

“Eyes up hear, darling.” Anthony laughs as he pulls his shirt back down.

They both get distracted by Nicholas clearing his throat, clearly trying to remind them that they’re not alone.

“She’s not going.” Nicholas says with finality in his voice.

But the annoyed smirk on Layla’s face is slightly stirring his wolf.

“What do you mean she’s not going? It’s the Harvest moon. It’s a night for drinking and partying. Aren’t all the workers given that night off to enjoy the festivities?” Anthony urges with a desperate tone.

Nicholas takes a deep and slow breath. “The harvest moon is for wolves, and the dinner is for family. Last I checked she’s neither.”

The smirk on Layla’s face fades. For some reason, his words hurt her. She was never one to be bothered by people’s opinions of her, but this did.

“Oh come on Nicholas.” Anthony throws his arm around his shoulder. “I know you’re always a stickler for the rules, but as my date, she would basically surpass those petty terms. I mean, did you forget that Tristan’s mate isn’t a wolf either. It’s not like you’re going to ban her from the dinner too, are you?”

Nicholas clenches his jaw at Anthony’s words, but more so because of his unnecessary and annoying puppy dog eyes. Looking at Layla’s dejected look, he clenches harder. Clearly, she doesn’t want to go. There is no need to drag her into family affairs with their situation. They were supposed to part ways, but now she will spend a whole night with his family. This can’t possibly be good.

But before Nicholas can say anything, Anthony continues as he looks at Layla with a huge smile.

“So beautiful. It seems I’ve jumped through more than one hoop to get you as a date. I think I’ve proven myself now. So let’s get you a gorgeous dress. I’m sure a blood-red dress will make you the main attraction for the night.” He pulls her along.

Strangely Layla lets him. She knows she should stop him, stop this. She knows Nicholas doesn’t want her there, and there is no reason for her to be there. And with every passing day, she’s tried to convince herself that he is wrong for her. And his cold and direct comments have helped her to slowly but surely believe it. But for some reason she wants to go with.

I’m just going because of the harvest moon. I’ve never been to one, and I am just too curious to see. She keeps repeating these words to herself in her mind.

Later that day after finally getting an outfit for everyone, they all left to a nearby diner for a quick lunch. Nicholas seems to be a regular, as the staff friendly but barely, made eye contact with him and already knew his order. Rebecca was not at all impressed with the place. She ordered nothing but bottled water. Layla though, wasn’t bothered but rather excited. With the rough couple of years she's had, she learned to appreciate the little things. She can’t even remember the last time she had a milkshake.

After most of them finished their meals, Layla excuses herself to go the restroom. She needs some space, because her continued chanting is becoming lulled noticing Nicholas’ constant stare on her.

But Nicholas can’t help himself. He can’t understand her. She looked like she didn’t want to go, yet she agreed to it. And from everything he’s learned from her, is that she speaks her mind and does what she wants. So why, why would she agree?

He thought she was simple to read, and he actually liked that about her. But she’s becoming confusing like every other human being, -where their actions and words don’t match. I guess she’s not who I thought she was. He tries to shrug off the thought of her.

But who is she really? He can’t help but wonder.

Exiting the restroom, Layla bumps into a hard chest.

“Ow.” She holds her head as she looks up at a scruffy, but quite handsome man.

With his built, she already knows he must be a shifter.

“Sorry.” He says annoyed sniffing the scent on her and grips the strap of his backpack tighter as he turns to leave.

“Wait.” She rushes out as she grabs his arm. “You. You’re….Are you a rogue?”

Ggrh. “What does that have to do with you, human? Or are you here spying for your oh so dear pack members?” He nods his head down the short hallway behind her. “If that’s the case, you should know I’m not here to stir up trouble. In fact, I’ll be out of this town soon. Which reminds me, I have a bus to catch.”

Just as he turns, he stops, hearing Layla’s next words.

“Are you going North?”

“What do you know about the North?” He looks at her skeptically.

“So you are?” She says almost optimistically.

The man just gently nods wanting her to keep talking.

“Will you do me a favour?”

“Well, that depends on the favour.”

“I need you to give a message to one of the other rogues that will be there.”

He raises his brow, wondering why a human travelling with wolf-pack members would know so much about rogue business. This can’t possibly be a trap. All she wants is for me to pass along a message.

“What’s the message?”

Layla smiles brightly and relieved.

“When you get there, find a wolf-shifter named Blake and tell him that Layla is fine and that he shouldn’t worry about her.”

“Is that it?” She nods. “Okay.”

“Thank you.” Layla rushes out as she gives him a gigantic smile.

They stand there for a few more seconds when a voice interrupts them.

“Is this rogue bothering you?”

Both Layla and the man look at Anthony revealing his canines as a threat. But the larger Nicholas behind him with arms crossed, is tingling Layla’s danger senses, especially with his pitch-black eyes. She can see the man next to her slowly retreating and lowering his head.

“No, he’s not.” She places her hand gently on the shifter’s arm, trying to stop him from retreating and to assure the alphas in front of her that he’s not a threat.

“He just asked for directions to the bus stop.” Though, only Anthony is calming down.

Layla gives the man a final but small smile before she walks forward and past the alphas. “So, I guess we’re ready to leave. Let’s go then.”

As the four of them walk back to the car in the busy streets, Layla hears Nicholas’ voice next to her.

“So what else did you talk about with the rogue?”

“What?” She looks up confused, but more suspicious. “Nothing.”

“Then what did you thank him for?”

She sees the faint smile on the corner of his lip. Like someone who knows when they’ve won.

“Honestly Nick, it has nothing to do with you.” She walks away as she makes her way to the other side of the car to get in.

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