Fall Into You (Morally Gray Book 2)

Fall Into You: Chapter 53

The next day at work, I’m floating.

I feel as if all the clouds have been swept away from the horizon, and everything will be sunshine and rainbows from now on. Cole’s secrets have been revealed, we’ve agreed how to move forward, and if I’m worried about all the ways this could go sideways, I tell myself I’m not.

Scotty brings me an inter-office memo at ten o’clock.

Ms. Sanders,

Please bring me the audit report when you’ve completed it. I’d like to go over it with you.


Mr. McCord

I type up that damn report so fast, the keys on my keyboard melt. Then I hustle upstairs with the report in hand, grinning like a lunatic.

When I see Marion at her desk, however, I try to act composed. “Good morning, Marion.”

She smiles and waves. “Good morning!”

Surprised she’s so cheerful, I stop at her desk. “How are you?”

“I’m doing great, thanks!” She glances toward Cole’s office and lowers her voice. “You’re in luck. He’s in a good mood today. Dare I say he’s acting almost human?”

I try not to show how happy that makes me, but if she looks close enough, she’ll see my heart beating through my blouse. “Really? That’s interesting.”

“He actually smiled at me. Can you believe it? Anyway, go right ahead.” She gestures toward his office.

“You don’t need to announce me?”

“He told me to send you in as soon as you arrived.”

“Okay, thanks.”

I head to his door, pressing the smile from my lips. When I knock, I hear an instant, “Come in,” from inside.

When I open the door, he’s already on his feet, headed toward me. I barely get the door closed behind me before he takes me in his arms and kisses me hard.

“Mr. McCord,” I say breathlessly. “You’re very eager this morning.”

He growls, “I should’ve fucked you before I left your apartment.”

Stifling a laugh because we’re standing near the door and I don’t want Marion to hear me, I grin at him. “But then I would’ve been late again.”

“And I would’ve written you another note. How did you get more beautiful since I last saw you?”

He peppers kisses along my jaw and down my neck, making me shiver. “I didn’t. You’re just biased. I brought the report.”

He takes the folder from my hand and tosses it to the floor. Papers go flying, scattering over the carpet. He reaches around me and locks the door, then picks me up and carries me over to the leather sofa by the windows.

He lays me down on it and pushes my skirt up my thighs.

I glance nervously at the door. “What are you doing? I thought we were supposed to be discreet!”

“I need to discreetly bury my dick in your perfect pussy, Ms. Sanders.”

Kneeling beside the sofa, he pulls my panties down my legs and removes them, balls them in his fist, puts them to his nose and inhales deeply, then shoves them into his pocket. Then he puts his face between my legs and eats me until I’m rocking my hips against his face, desperate to orgasm.

Before I can, he rises, unclasps his belt and unzips his slacks, takes his hard cock in his hand, and shoves it inside me.

“Mr. McCord,” I whisper, gazing up at him with my pulse flying. “This is highly irregular. I might have to report you to human resources.”

He takes my mouth and fucks me hard and fast, driving into me with powerful thrusts. We’re both quiet except for the sound of our ragged breathing. When I come, I’m looking into his eyes. I say his name in a broken whisper, and it sends him over the edge.

Jerking, he empties himself inside me silently, his face pressed to my neck and both hands under my ass. He digs his fingers into my flesh and shudders, then releases the faintest, most erotic moan.

We lie there holding each other and panting until Marion’s voice comes over his desk phone intercom.

“Mr. McCord, your father’s on his way to see you.”

He lifts his head and stares at me. “Fuck.”

We scramble to our feet and fix our clothing. I smooth my hands over my hair as Cole strides across the office to pick up the papers strewn all over the floor. When he’s got them all together, he shoves the folder at me and takes his chair behind his desk just as his father raps his knuckles sharply on the door.

Panicking, I throw myself into the chair across from Cole’s desk and clutch the folder in my shaking hands.

Cole looks at me. “Ready?”

“Oh God.”

“You’ll be fine. Just smile.” He calls out, “Come in.”

The elder McCord walks through the door.

Wearing a double-breasted pinstripe suit and a chunky gold watch, his bearing regal and his dark hair graying at the temples, Cole’s father looks exactly like what he is: rich and powerful.

“Hello, son.”

“Dad. This is unexpected.”

“We need to talk about your brother.”

When he glances at me, I try to look like I’m not sitting here with his son’s semen leaking out of me.

“Good morning.”

I stand, smiling nervously. “Good morning, Mr. McCord. I’m Shay Sanders, Cole’s assistant.”

He approaches with his hand out, smiling. “Call me Konrad. Welcome to the firm.”

We shake hands, then my heart nearly stops when he looks at my mouth and frowns.

“Your lipstick is smeared, dear.”

Kill me. Just kill me right fucking now.

Wiping my mouth, I say, “Oh, gosh, really? How embarrassing. I ate a croissant at my desk this morning. Those things are so messy.”

Konrad says, “That’s why I never eat them. Crumbs all over the front of my suit. Makes me look like a derelict. Try a bagel instead. The ones in the cafeteria are surprisingly decent.”

“Oh, uh…I will. That’s a great idea. I do love a good bagel!”

Konrad beams at me while Cole sits at his desk, smirking.

“Well, I’ll just leave this here for you to go over later, Mr. McCord.” I set the folder on the edge of Cole’s desk, then back away toward the door, wringing my hands and smiling like a contestant on a game show. “It was lovely to meet you, Mr. McCord,” I say to Konrad. “Have a wonderful day.”

I turn and walk stiffly to the door, hoping there isn’t a wet spot on the back of my skirt.

Half an hour later, I’m at my desk when my phone rings. “Shay Sanders speaking.”

Cole’s warm voice comes over the line. “Good morning, Ms. Sanders.”

I clear my throat and attempt a professional tone, though my heart started pounding with the first syllable he spoke. “Hello, Mr. McCord.”

“I was just calling to let you know what a good job you did on the audit. The report you gave me this morning was exceptional.”

His voice is a warm, sexy drawl, laced with humor. I know he’s not talking about the report.

“Thank you. I take it your meeting with your father went well?”

He chuckles. “Yes. After you left, he remarked what a lovely girl you are. I told him I wasn’t entirely satisfied with your performance so far, but I had hopes you’d improve.”

“Gee, how generous of you.”

“If I told him how I really felt about you, he’d be taken from the building on a stretcher.”

Warmth spreads through my body. I smile at my computer screen. “So he didn’t notice anything.”

“You mean how incredible you look after you come? All flushed and glowing? No, he didn’t notice. Nice save on the lipstick, by the way.”

I groan and cover my face with my hand. “I thought I’d die.”

His voice drops. “I thought I’d die when you came for me. Your pussy was so wet, baby. I can’t get enough of it. I can’t get enough of you.”

Blushing furiously, I glance out my office windows at the cubicle field. No one is looking in my direction, but I feel so conspicuous, I might as well have a scarlet letter A embroidered on my chest.

“Me too,” I whisper. “This being discreet thing might be harder than we anticipated.”

“Well figure it out. What time should I pick you up tonight?”

“Pick me up?”

“You’re spending the weekend at my place.”

“I don’t recall being invited.”

“Don’t play coy with me. You want to wake up next to me just as much as I want to wake up next to you.”

Smiling from ear to ear, I shake my head. “You’re a handful, Mr. McCord.”

“See you at seven, Ms. Sanders.”

He disconnects, leaving me incandescent with happiness.

He’s early again, ringing the bell just as I’m rushing to finish packing. When I open the door, he looks me up and down, then steps inside and hugs me, lifting me right off the ground.

I hug him back and laugh. “Oh hi.”

“Oh hi yourself.”

“You’re very tall. My feet are dangling.”

“Maybe you’re just short.”

“I’m not short. You smell incredible. Is that something new you’re wearing?”

He sets me down, kisses me softly, and smiles. “Nope. Just love pheromones. You ready to go?”

A thrill runs through me at his mention of the word “love,” but I don’t make a big deal of it. “Almost. I have to finish packing.”

“You say that like you’re going on a two week vacation to Europe.”

“Oh, that’s right. You don’t know I’m an over packer. Well, better you find out now what you’re in for.”

I lead him into my bedroom. On the bed are the two suitcases I’ve already packed, along with the open weekend bag on the floor by the dresser that I’m still working on filling.

He looks at them and lifts his brows.

“I know. It’s a problem. I’ll wear the same yoga pants five days in a row at home, but put a suitcase in front of me, and I’ll pack every piece of formal wear I own, plus a dozen pairs of shoes and twenty handbags.”

“Do you really think the ballgown is necessary?”

“That’s not a ballgown. That’s a bathrobe.”

He eyes the puffy pink silk robe spilling out of one of the cases. “It’s voluminous.”

“It’s pretty!”

“You won’t need it. If you packed any panties, bras, or nightgowns, you can take those out too.”

“Ugh. Fine.”

As I pull the robe from the case, he slaps me playfully on the bottom. Then we’re grinning at each other.

“Why do I feel like I’m nine years old, headed to Disneyland for the first time?”

“Because you’re adorable. But watch out. At my Disneyland, Mickey Mouse fucks Minnie on the jungle cruise.”

He kisses me again, I finish packing, and then we’re off, headed to his mansion in the hills with the radio blaring, holding hands and singing along to our favorite songs.

We’re still holding hands when I glance out the driver’s side window and see a cargo truck barreling through the intersection against the red light.

I don’t even have time to scream Cole’s name before it crashes into us at full speed.

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