
Chapter 32: Family

After my talk with Erica and Natasha we all decided to call it a night feeling tired after the whole day’s activities. I feel this uneasiness in my chest as I tried to find the proper side to sleep not only because of my injury but I was bothered about my conversation with the girls earlier. I mean I understand where they are coming from. We know little about what is happening unlike me, Aspen and Logan hasn’t confirmed about what they know about what’s going on. It’s natural they’d react like that.

I just sighed before stirring on my sleeping bag again looking for a comfortable position but everything hurts no matter what I tried. My whole body feels so sore because of the impact of the crash earlier and being forced to run limping. I’m exhausted with the nerves of the car chase and the almost death and life experience.

I finally gave up on sleep and sat down. Looking at my left where I can see Aspen standing at the post just looking down the flight of stairs. He should be resting right now but he chose to go for first watch telling us that he couldn’t sleep. Well as someone who was with him with everything that happened earlier I understand why.

I tried to stand as best as I can and limp towards him. He looks too deep in thought that he didn’t even noticed me. I watched his facial features in the dim light. His brows furrowed like always as he stared at the darkness however there is something in his eyes though. Something dark mixed with gloom.

“Aspen.” I called his name and suddenly his face is quickly void by any emotion. He is now back to his nonchalant expression.

“Myla?” he looked surprised when he saw me. His gaze lingered at my face for a few seconds as if he is making sure that he isn’t seeing things before as if it finally occurred to him that I am injured so he quickly helps me seat at a bench. “You should be resting and not walking around like this.”

“I couldn’t sleep.”

He looks taken a back for a few seconds with my answer before nodding, “Yeah. I can’t too.”

“Is it about what happened earlier?”

“Can you remember now?”

“A bit fuzzy but I think you were right about your theory earlier. I think it has got to do with the two of you. You two must’ve known something.”

“I’ve been thinking the same thing and I’ve already talked to Logan about it but we couldn’t think of a reason how all of this are connected.”

“Maybe we should look at a different angle instead.”

“Like what?”

“Like what are some sort of secret that Logan and you only knows.”

“That’s hard. We’re best friends.”

“Then something related to your family. Something that the two of your family only knows.”

Aspen bit his lower lip and stayed quiet for a few seconds before suddenly I saw his eyes widen as our eyes locked again, “They aren’t survivalist that’s why they don’t own a bunker but they own a safe house.”

“Safe house?”

“Our family isn’t only rich Myla my extended family members are politicians in our state. We need it for incase things got out of hand because of political rivalry. Only the family knows about this and Logan’s because Logan also have politician family members and they are at the same party.”

I smiled when he looked excited. With the new information that we have we are slowly getting closer to the truth with happened.

“So, there must be something there that the two-man needed. That’s why your family can’t come to rescue the both of you if they are alive they must be there and they can’t risk others knowing. Since both of you are in the cabin they must’ve thought that we won’t be affected by the sickness and they taught you how to haunt they know you two can protect yourselves.”

“But what is it that they’re hiding there? What does that got to do with the other group that the two man belong two that tried to pursue us? They said that our family is with them but something tells me that they’re lying.”

“Maybe your suspicions are correct. They really are lying about your family being there. We never know maybe they aren’t also the once who spread this disease like we initially thought.”

Aspen eye’s gleamed with hope. I know he feels indifferent after our initial theory but somehow, he looks calmer now. He might’ve really thought that his family is a part of this and couldn’t accept it--- whatever his reasons for thinking that I don’t know them and I can’t judge Aspen for thinking about those things towards his family they know them more than I do so who am I to say anything---- but now that we’ve talk about this he looks to be at ease. That somehow even though he thinks that they’d be evil enough to do something like this some part of him still believes otherwise.

“But they know something.”

I nodded, “And we’ll figure it out if we find that safe house you’re saying.”

Aspen didn’t reply immediately and stayed quite again for a few seconds, “Do you think they’re really alive?”

“I’m not sure but it could be a possibility.”

“So... Are you suggesting that we go there?”

“If there is something that they are hiding that is important for those two men I am sure it has to be some sort of cure. We can travel there and get it.”

“They’re at the other side of the country Myla. We’ll be travelling for weeks. Besides I still don’t trust them. I don’t trust anyone. The two man that we just met that knows something about this almost tried to kill us and my parents… it’s not like they’re innocent. They own the company that did this. With the documents that we have.... I don’t know what to think anymore.”

“Then we’ll do something easier.”

“And what is?”

“We’ll investigate the said camp first.”

“But we don’t know where it is and what we should expect there.”

“But we do.”


“You said that only people who have prepared this beforehand has access to the resources.”

“Are you saying...”

“Do you know the locations of the ‘secret’ meeting places of the organization your parents are a part of?”

“I don’t but I can look for something in this cabin. There must be some sort of documents or maps in Logan’s father’s office.”

“Then we’ll start there.”

Aspen smiled, “That’s a good plan.”

After my conversation with Aspen I finally was able to sleep peacefully knowing that I have something to look forward to tomorrow and all of the worries for the meantime forgotten. However, when I woke up the next morning and heard an ear-piercing screaming everything that I’d be looking forward for this day suddenly vanishes.

“What is that?” Natasha who was sleeping beside me jerked up. Just like me she was also groggy because of suddenly being woke up.

“It’s coming from the garage.” Erica replied as my already fast beating heart doubled its pace. Whatever it is it has got to do with Theo.

“Let’s go.” Logan said quickly taking out his gun as Aspen followed him along with Vince.

I followed just behind them but lagging back because of my hip. We were on our way down when we heard another shout and then came Olivia’s voice.


“Shit.” Logan exclaimed before jogging quicker almost slipping on the last step as the boys ran to the garage. I can also hear the others from the inside shouting.

I saw Logan opened the garage door but suddenly stepped away. I can see the colors drain from his face because of the shock as another round of shouting making my skin crawl even not seeing what is happening from the inside.

“Don’t approach him!” Aspen shouted as he grabbed Logan’s shoulder who was also about to get inside Vince just standing beside them looking like a statue.

“Nikita!” Olivia shouted.

“No, Olivia!”

I quickly ran down to see what is going on Natasha and Erica also on my tail now. As I see the sight unfold I froze. Theo’s chain from his feet is broken and is now straddling a now crying in pain Nikita drowning in her own pool of blood. Olivia struggled from Sebastian’s hold trying to get to her best friend but we all know we can’t go near or else we’ll also be infected and we can’t risk infecting another one of our friends.

“What are you guys doing shoot him!” Natasha screamed.

“Theo...” Logan trailed off looking torn on what he should do.

The time stopped as we are all frozen in place. The muffled crying of Nikita as she struggled from Theo and Theo’s growls as he ate Nikita like a rabid animal until finally a sound of gunshots was heard echoing in the entire forest and like a movie someone finally hit play as I saw a smoke coming from Vince’s gone as he shot his best friend in between the eyes.

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