
Chapter 30: Safe and Sound

Elora’s POV

“What is it?” I asked from the window along with Olivia and Nikita just as the rest of the group are looking at the dark forest in front of us.

“I think we heard gunshots.” Natasha replied. Being a shooter after the incident earlier she had to stay outside with the boys. Sebastian and Jaden who ran earlier are with us inside.

“It must be other survivors. We have to go see. They might be in trouble.” Nikita answered. She was already attacked by the sickos before but she still has a pure heart. She might be shaken for a few days but she was fine again now.

“Or they might be also surrounded by sickos.” Vince answered, “We’ll be just walking into our own deaths.”

“We still have to try and investigate.” I replied, “It might be Myla and Aspen. We have to help them.”

“But they have a car. Why would they need guns for?” Erica who was also outside asked.

“We don’t know but we have to be sure. Elora is right it must be them. We must take a risk they are our friends.” Nikita said as all of our attention then move to Logan who has been quiet during the entire conversation. I know that he is deep in thought right now. Aspen is his best friend and Myla is the closest thing that he can have as a sister but he doesn’t want to risk the safety of the other group. Everyone is hesitating afraid of what might happen to them if they came to rescue. After what happened earlier no one is blaming them for that. We almost died with the attack.

“Okay.” Logan finally answered after a few moments of silence, “I’ll go check.”

“Logan.” I said almost a whisper but he heard me as we locked eyes together and he smiled at me telling me that it is okay.

“I’ll come with you.” Vince answered.

“No. I’ll just go alone. We can’t risk more people getting hurt.”

“I don’t care. Myla fought to help cure Theo even though I’ve already given up on that idea. If she needs our help I am willing to risk it.”

Logan looks thorn but eventually let out a heavy breath and combing his hair, “Fine. You come with me the rest of you keep a look out around. We’ll be back in twenty minutes.”

“What happens when you don’t return?” Jaden asked as fear course through my veins as I look at Logan. Our eyes met and he smiled at me but it didn’t make me feel any less better. I stared back at him with pleading eyes but I know even I the person he loves dearly won’t be able to stop him for what he wants to do.

“Then don’t come after us.” he said with confidence without an ounce of hesitation, “Natasha, you lead the rest of the group. Take care of Elora for me.”

“Logan.” I called him my voice broke. As much as I support him fully I can’t help but worry about him. I love him. He is in it for me. He is the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. The one who I will have a family with. The one who I want to wake up to each morning. The one who I want to grow old with.

“I love you.” he just told me before moving his attention to Vince, “Let’s go.”

I balled my eyes out as I felt Olivia and Nikita hugged me however despite their supporting arms I fell to the ground. I hugged myself as the tears kept on pouring. I almost ran out of breath beginning to hyperventilate as Jaden and Sebastian quickly helped the girls to bring me to the living room but was unable to because of the next thing that happened. Natasha is shouting orders but I couldn’t hear anything clearly. All I can focus on is Olivia’s worried expression as she tried to calm me down as I feel a bile coming out of my mouth and I quickly ran to the sink and vomit all my guts out.

I just saw Nikita at the corner of my eye rubbing my back until finally I calmed down. I just wiped the liquid in the corner of my lip with the back of my hand as I nodded at them as they all sigh in relief.

“Here.” Sebastian said giving me a glass of water as I muttered a thank you before drinking.

“Do you want to--” before Olivia can say anything I cut her off putting down the glass in the counter hearing it click.

“No, I’m fine. I just want to be alone. I’ll be in my room. Just knock if you need anything.”

I didn’t let them reply as I made my way in Logan and I’s room and locked myself there. His scent still lingers in the room. I quickly made my way towards where it was the strongest, the bed, and lay there as I bury myself in his pillow and drown myself with my tears and Logan’s smell.

Logan’s POV

As much it tears me in the inside to be apart for Elora and put myself in danger where I couldn’t be able to come back to her anymore I didn’t hesitate going to rescue my friends when they needed help. Aspen always told me ever since we are kids how much of a huge hero complex I have. Always trying to save everyone.

Back in high school he and I are like kings of our school. The basketball captain, prom king, and the richest and most handsome ones there is. Even my grades are fairly above average. I’m not smart I just have a best friend who is diligent. But I didn’t bathe into the spotlight like I was expected to be. I was friend with everybody even the ‘nerds.’ I control the bullies with my popularity. That’s why when I turned a senior no one ever tried to cross me and somehow the schools seem to be a much safer place for everyone. Maybe that’s why I stepped up immediately right after what happened in this trip. I feel like I am responsible for everyone’s safety not just because I was the one who invited them here and owned this cabin but I have always been like this.

“Logan.” Vince called. He was just beside me holding his gun looking around as I held the flashlight. My gun in the holster. “If it’s really Aspen and Myla and...”

He didn’t have to finish sentence to tell me what he is referring to. I already have an idea what it is. As much as I don’t want to think about it I can’t deny that the idea did cross my mind.

“I have faith with the two of them. They’ll be fine.”

Vince and I just quietly continued our journey to the woods when we heard footsteps and leaves rustling. I immediately took out my gun from my holster and pointed my flashlight around.

“Get ready.” I told him seeing him nod at the corner of my eye.

“Something is coming from there.” he said pointing at the South East direction. I then focused my flashlight to where he pointed seeing a silhouette of two people jogging towards us. I squinted my eyes trying to see a better view when the shadows finally revealed themselves. It was Aspen with his other arm around Myla’s shoulder but what is strange is that he has the gun pointed in our direction.

“Duck!” Myla shouted just as we heard a growling sound and one of the sickos tried to tackle me. Aspen shoot the sicko in the leg making him limp but he still continued to try to grab us unaffected by his injury. Luckily though he is too slow to do anything to us but we still need to be cautious.

“What happened? Where’s the truck why are you walking in the middle 9f the night?” I asked them questions after questions as worry consumed me.

“Some survivors rammed the car and we crashed.” Myla answered and that was only then that I saw the bandage in her leg.

“Is that...” Vince asked also already looking at it. Worry laced in his tone and I am sure we both have the same idea in our head.

“It’s not from the sickos.” Aspen answered our unspoken question,” But it will be if we won’t get our now. The gunshots I’m sure the nearby sickos would’ve heard that. We’ll tell you everything once we get back.”

I nodded in agreement, “Let’s go. Vince you lead the way Aspen you go after him and carry Myla so we’d be quicker. I’ll be the guard at the back.”

Aspen nodded giving his flashlight to Vince as we returned back to the cabin. My heart is pounding in my chest as we walked the dark forests just waiting for something to tackle us from the dark. If there are sickos nearby they’d probably hear the shots earlier and find us.

A few minutes in when we finally saw the light coming from the cabin however that was when I heard some shuffling from our far right. Both of the flashlight moved to the direction where the noise came from when we saw a sicko. But what was weird about this is that she was already old. Compared to the other sickos that we saw before most of them are in their middle ages already. This is the first time we encountered of someone of old age. She was walking slowly as Vince aimed his gun at her but Aspen was quick to stop him.

“Don’t, we already made a lot of noise a few feet away if we make a noise this close to the cabin they’d know where our location is.” he said.

“We’ve already had an attack earlier you don’t want them lurking around again.” Vince replied.

“I’ll take care of her.” I just said picking up a rock.

“Nope. It’s too dangerous to come near them. She’s slow anyway. We should just ignore her.” Myla finally answered.

Vince looked convinced when Myla finally spoke so we just did what she asked of us and made our way to the cabin where the rest of the group is already waiting safe and sound but little did we know it would only last for a while.

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