
Chapter 10: Sunshine

Aspen’s POV

I was reluctant to leave Myla behind alone with the stranger who might be infected by some sort of sickness but we needed to warn our friends in case this disease is really airborne so I volunteered to leave.

I wouldn’t care less if it was any other girl but there is something about Myla makes me so drawn towards her. I didn’t know why but the moment I laid eyes on her I felt this some sort of connection with her. It’s weird. I don’t know what to think of it. All I know is that she is attractive and it’s been a while since I noticed a girl’s appearance.

I just shook the idea inside my head thinking that I might just be caught up in the moment after all its summer and I am isolated from society with other people my age. Besides it seems like from the very first day the guys have already staked their claim to the other girls hovering around them once they’ve arrived and it was Myla who was the only one left, being late and all, that’s why she is the only one available. And it was a coincidence that we are partnered in that stupid game.

I just focused my attention back to the darkness as I made my way to the campsite hoping that Myla would be fine alone. I used my flashlight to see where I was going, looking around making sure that I was alone and that another sick person wouldn’t try to attack me. Remembering what Myla and I talked about earlier I adjusted the cloth in my mouth making sure that it was covering my nose as well and didn’t want to get infected.

I remember before going here when I was working that I saw the same symptoms from a chimpanzee. I was the CEO of the company right after my dad retired and became a board member instead so I didn’t know anything that much about this project. Based on the reports they are sending me it hasn’t shown any success results. I’m no expert so I am not aware of anything scientific regarding this. All I know is that they are able to restart the brain and help with chemical imbalance, however in the long run it has shown side effects like the pale complexion, veins showing, clouded white eyes, and the aggressive behavior. That’s why I am shocked to see a person who is affected by this knowing that it shouldn’t even have gone past the primate testing. We were still observing rodents but despite the unwanted results they continued on to primates thinking that it might show better effects as they are closer to our species and have a more complex brain. But unfortunately, they failed. And it looks like they didn’t just fail in that department because there is a sick man on the loose.

I jogged towards the camp hoping that I’m not too late. If this is airborne we might all be carriers by now. I quicken my phase, thankful that finally I can see the silhouette from afar. I can make out Natasha and Jaden’s shadow from the distance taking care of Theo who was still unconscious lying on the makeshift bed that they made. My eyes then went to Logan who was sitting beside Elora. Looks like everyone on camp couldn’t sleep with what’s going on. When Elora felt my presence she immediately approached me as Logan was right on her tail.

“Aspen you’re back. Where is Myla?”

“Listen, I think I know what is going on right now.”

“What is it?” Logan asked, looking concerned, “And what are you wearing?”

“I think the guy in the shack is sick and it’s because of some crazy experiment going on in our company.”

“What? What did your company do?”

“I don’t have time to explain, we might be infected. Go find something to cover your nose and mouth. We have to make precaution that this might be airborne. You have to tell everybody.”

“Okay. On it.” Elora answered, nodding as she made her way to the rest of the gang. But before she did Logan ripped a piece of his shirt and gave it to her as he did the same to himself and wrapped the cloth in his mouth before facing me.

“What is happening Aspen?”

I combed my hair with my fingers, “I don’t know man. I tried calling my dad but I couldn’t get a signal.”

“What do you know about this project?”

“They didn’t tell much. You know my job Logan. I only looked at the numbers and I didn’t know what’s going on behind the project. If I did I could’ve helped.”

I don’t know but now that I am explaining this to him I felt like this is partly my fault. After all, I am one of the executives of the company. I should be there right now not partying. They might be trying to get a hold of me these past few days but because of the signal they can’t contact me.

Logan patted my back reassuring me, “I know man it’s not your fault.”

“I felt like it is.”

“Listen, this might just be a coincidence. Maybe these guys are just sick and have nothing to do with your company. Maybe the symptoms are just the same. We’ll solve this man. I’m with you. There are no problems without any solutions.”

I just nodded and didn’t replied as Elora finally returned saying, “I already informed them they are all now wearing a mask.”

“Good.” Logan replied, “How’s Theo?”

“Theo isn’t doing good, he is burning up. He might have a fever right now.”

“Then we should carry him back to the main house. It would be more comfortable and it might help Nikita feel safer when she is inside.”

Elora nodded, “Okay, I’ll tell them.”

“Logan I’ll leave this to you I’ll go back to Myla we’ll just meet you in the house in the morning.”

“Okay. Take care.”

I nodded as I jog back to the old shack.

When I got there, I didn’t know if I was seeing this but I could make out a silhouette in front of the door. I squinted my eyes trying to look closer when I realized it was Myla. There was light coming from the small crack of the door and someone was pounding on it. I quickly stride as I see Myla’s tired face slowly losing consciousness. I kneeled in front of her looking for any injuries when I heard another banging. I quickly looked around, seeing a broken branch and taking it and using it to jam the door as I pulled Myla out of the way.

When I was sure that the man won’t be able to escape I checked Myla again more closely. I could see the hand print slowly turning purple on her ankles and the bruises on her arms. There is also a purple patch on the side of her hips where her shirt lightly rode up. I quickly pulled the shirt down as I carried her striding fast towards the main house.

No one was still there when I arrived. I immediately brought Myla into my room and placed her on my bed. I took a towel and a small basin to clean her before going to the bathroom and brought the first aid kit. I took care of her bruises and once she was done I couldn’t just let her sleep in dirty clothing so hesitating I changed her shirt with my own looking away to give her privacy.

When I finally made sure that she was okay I let out a heavy breath and sat on the end of the bed exhausted. I just had a minute of rest when I heard commotion downstairs. They must’ve finally arrived back.

I quickly stood taking a short glance at Myla before joining the others and help. Jaden and Logan were carrying Theo using a sleeping bag as Olivia had her arm leaning on Nikita who still looked shocked. The rest of them are carrying the camping items as they make their way to the living room.

“Where are the others?” I asked Elora.

“Vince and Sebastian are still in the campsite.”

I nodded, “Myla is in my room. She fainted and I had to take care of her. I apologize in advance. I’ll join the rest of the guys to help with the camp.”

“Why did she faint?”

“I don’t know. I just saw her slumped in front of the shack. The guy must’ve escaped and tried to attack her.”

Elora’s mouth suddenly hung wide open.

“She will be fine just exhausted and had some few bruises but nothing major. I’ll leave her to you.”

Elora looked like she finally snapped out of it as she nodded, “Okay.”

I made eye contact with Logan and he nodded already knowing what I was about to do. Logan and I were best buddies growing up but we parted ways when he had to move to another university. I can’t blame him. I know he is doing this for himself. I couldn’t just ask him to stay knowing that he felt suffocated in that so-called home of his so as his best friend I just let him as I continued on with my life on my own. It was hard at first being used to having him around but I eventually got used to it. After all, I have always been alone until he just brought his sunshine on my cloudy day and bugged me for the rest of my life until he now needed to choose himself and find his own sunshine back.

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