Chasing Cthulhu (Urf Oomons #2)

: Chapter 33

I am fuming.

I dropped Shawn off at his room after a short tour. Then I grabbed a drink and a snack and after I was done with that I went to check in on Mandy and pick up Peach. When I got to her room though, I heard some noises that made me change my mind about visiting.

Really? They’re already at it? We just got home.

So now I’m alone with my thoughts and my thoughts are about Lu and how difficult he is.

He doesn’t actually care about Shawn being here. He just doesn’t want me near Shawn. There’s not a lot of us humans out here and if I want to help Shawn out and try to be his friend that’s my decision. If anybody has beef with Shawn, it’s me. Not Lu. And I’ve decided to move past it, so Lu can just deal.

Did I come all the way out here, trying to make a life for myself away from Earth just to be controlled by my alien boyfriend? No.

Mandy and I have been planning to help rescue every human we can find and the first one to ask for my help just happens to be Shawn.

And what does Lu think? Like I’m going to cheat on him or something? If I wanted to be with Shawn, I could have! I was hanging out with him, naked, alone for most of the time I was at Sal’s. And nothing happened!

It just feels like Lu is accusing me of something. Like he doesn’t trust me. And that’s not fair. We don’t have any kind of agreement, do we? Lu has never talked about us being exclusive. Not once. I have given him no reason to think I would cheat.

There’s a blur of movement in my peripheral vision and I know he’s stalking me again. I don’t know why that makes me feel—warm? Anybody else sneakily following me around would creep me out, but not him. I’m glad that he’s still seeking me out even after our disagreement.

As I move through the door to my room, it stays open a moment longer because Lu is sliding in behind me even if I can’t see him. When I focus, I can make out the blurry edge of his camouflaged form.

A tentacle snakes out and quickly wraps around my waist as his color changes to his regular gray. Well, except for the tentacle that has me, that one is bright pink at the tip fading to purple then to gray where it meets the rest of his body.

‘You are my mate,’ he says as if the words are being torn from him. ‘Mine.’

I nod and agree, ‘Yes.’

He crowds against me, tentacles winding around my arms and legs. My breathing picks up, heart beats a little faster. Who knew that this would be what really does it for me in bed? Being stalked and grabbed by a tentacled alien?

‘There is nothing that human can do for you that I would not.’ He’s lifting me right off the ground, pulling my skirt and shirt up as he positions me how he wants. ‘You do not need him.’

As he nuzzles the side of my face, I nuzzle him right back and kiss his cheek. ‘You’re right I don’t need him. Only you.’

He starts purring and his whole body is taking on that luminous pink color that lets me know how delighted he is with me.

‘I want to try something,’ I tell him. ‘Set me down.’

All of the tentacles tighten for a second and I briefly wonder if he’s going to ignore me, but he does lower me to the floor. The pink color fades a little bit, but hopefully, it’ll return to the same intensity in a moment.

‘You know, there are all sorts of things we could do. Not just regular sex,’ I inform him.


‘Yeah. There’s a thing called oral sex.’

His eyes go a little wide. ‘You want me to mouth your—’

I wave my hand to interrupt him. ‘Maybe later.’ I kneel. ‘Right now I want to put my mouth on you.’

His tentacles scrunch up. ‘But why?’

Smiling sweetly, I cajole, ‘I think you’ll like it a lot.’ When he looks even more uncomfortable, I concede. ‘You don’t have to say yes, but we could try it and stop if you don’t like it.’

His tentacles are still scrunched. ‘Why would you enjoy that?’

I give him another smile. ‘Remember last time? When you put one of these—’ I caress the tentacle closest to me and it unscrunches. ‘—in my mouth? It kinda turned me on for you to do that…’

His purr picks up again.

‘I would like it even more if it was your cock.’

His purr stutters a little bit. ‘I do not have—that does not translate. You are talking about putting your mouth on my implantation arm? That would please you?’

I laugh before I can stop myself. He’s such a dork.

‘Yeah, but I’d rather call it a cock.’

I’ve made him self-conscious. Maybe this wasn’t a great idea. I’ve been curious to see what he’s working with this whole time, but I didn’t mean to kill the mood.

Reaching out, I touch one of his tentacles where it meets his upper body. I trace it all the way down to the tip. It’s a lot longer than it seems, and it takes me a moment to follow the swirl pattern it’s in resting on the floor. Then I pick it up and caress the underside. I know these cups are sensitive. I run a finger delicately around each one.

‘You know octopuses, they have tentacles like these, and they can taste things with their cups.’

He nods. ‘Yes, they have taste receptors.’

‘So you’re tasting the floor wherever you go?’

‘Yes, we keep the floors here very clean for that reason.’

‘And when you touch me with these, you’re tasting me too?’

I feel tentacles creeping around me, winding around my waist, wrapping around my thighs as I kneel in front of him. My legs are pried open, and a tentacle rubs against my open pussy, each cup bumping and caressing sensitive areas as he purrs. ‘Yes. I taste you this way.’

I’m squirming a little bit from the sensation, so the tentacles clamp tighter, holding me still. Another wraps around my arms, pinning them to my side as the lower tentacle changes course and spears my cunt. I’m so turned on right now, I would think it’d ease his way. But he’s rough with it, filling me quickly, completely until there’s a delicious, stinging stretch as he forces me to make room for him.

As he works my clit, sucking on it with the cups of yet another tentacle, I gaze up at him towering over me. Cthulhu. He’s well-named. I have a feeling of offering myself up as if he really is an elder-god and I’m a sacrifice.

I’m close. If he keeps it up, I’m going to come. But I feel a nudge at my cheek. I look and, well, it’s not a human cock. Like the illustration, it’s wider at the base, narrow at the head. And where a human cock has a small slit, this one has a seem bifurcating the whole head, like it could split in two.

‘Open,’ he demands. ‘Taste me, as you said.’

Oh, that tightens something in my core, and I feel my pussy spasm around the tentacle that’s still fucking me.

I open my mouth and lick him along the underside of it. His whole body shudders. Then he’s feeding this very alien cock into my mouth, slowly. Pulls out and pushes back in deliberately.

A clawed hand combs through my hair and palms the back of my head as he starts to fuck my mouth in shallow thrusts.

‘Careful with those teeth, little human,’ he huffs, then purrs. ‘My pretty mate, my Gloria.’

He’s got good coordination because he’s fucking me with a tentacle as he fucks my mouth with his cock and circles my clit and oooooh—

‘You please me so well. With your mouth and your cunt and this soft body.’ He nudges the back of my throat. ‘Can you take a little more for me? Yes, exactly. Just like that.’

He’s fucking my throat, his cock can move on its own and it’s doing this twirling motion as it fucks into my throat, and I’m doing my best to breathe and swallow.

That feeling comes over me again, of offering myself up to him, for his pleasure and I grind down on the tentacle at my pussy and then I’m coming, pulsing around him in my cunt, moaning around him in my mouth. He’s taken over my whole body and made it sing for him. It lasts so long, that I’m shuddering, squeezing, sucking, and grinding on him. Am I coming again? I can’t even tell.

He’s touching every part of me and getting rougher, his movements a little jerky. Two clawed hands holding my head still now so he can use my mouth to get himself off.

‘You like this. I can smell how much it pleases you. And you taste so good. You feel—’

He grimaces, showing fangs as he comes. It’s not like human cum at all. A syrupy texture and tangy, citrus flavor. Not bad, but surprising as I don’t swallow quick enough and some dribbles out of my mouth. With care, he extricates himself from me, then swipes my chin and mouth with a tentacle tip.

‘Swallow,’ he instructs me.

Wanting to please him, I lick the tip clean and swallow. His purr ratchets up and his color is a luminous bright pink everywhere.

‘Humans,’ he says at length, ‘are criminally deviant. There should be a law about this kind of behavior.’

‘There probably is.’

He picks me up and snuggles me to his chest. It’s perfect. I always want to be snuggled after sex.

‘You love my deviant behavior,’ I tell him.

He hums in agreement.

‘You love me.’

He combs my hair with his claws and says, ‘Of course I do.’

“I love you too,” I murmur. I can tell he hears me because I get a quick, tight squeeze from arms and tentacles.

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