Chasing Cthulhu (Urf Oomons #2)

: Chapter 28

Lu hasn’t put me down for the past hour.

I kind of like it, but I also know that I shouldn’t encourage this kind of caveman behavior.

When we got back on the homeship, the door had just opened and Lu was already hauling me out and not pausing, just barreling out of the shuttle bay. We pass Ken and Seven, who were obviously waiting for us, and I hear Ken say, ‘Greetings—’ But Lu just snarls at him and continues on his way out of the room with me held tightly in his tentacles, high against his chest.

At least his color has calmed down. That black and red striped look was startling. He’s a pale gray right now, but a little purple at the center of his chest where he’s cuddling me.

We turn down a hallway that I haven’t seen since my first day here when I toured the ship.

He opens a door and slides us into a room I’ve never been in. It’s a very bare room. I think it’s one of the many guest quarters on this ship. Homeworlders don’t sleep in a bed, they sleep in a strange hot-tub-looking setup that’s full of goo that holds their tentacles still. That’s what Mandy told me. Anyway, this room has no such thing. It’s definitely not Lu’s personal quarters.

He settles down on the bare floor, and I can feel him relax. All of the tentacles wrapped around me ease up just a little and do a twisting caress as they move on me. He is changing color too, the gray melting into a coral pink.

‘What are we doing here?’

He gazes down at me, a clawed hand combing through my hair. He’s weighing his answer before he speaks.

‘I want to be alone with you.’


‘Yes.’ He has hit a snag combing my hair and he deftly untangles it with his claws. ‘I would like to talk.’

I sit up straight and demand, ‘Are you breaking up with me?’

‘I am not breaking up anyone,’ he answers. He looks a little bewildered.

‘Okay, well, what do you want to talk about?’

‘I want you to tell me how you feel about living on this ship with us. How do you feel about me?’

‘So you just want me to put it all out there? Bare my soul?’

He shrugs the tentacles that aren’t holding me. ‘This does not transla—’

‘You want to know all about my feelings for you, but not tell me if you have feelings for me?’

‘I have told you. I said to you that I am obsessed with you. That I find you gorgeous and your scent—’

‘You’re right, I remember now.’

His colors all fade a little bit. ‘You forgot?’

‘No. No,’ I reassure him. He looks like a kicked puppy, all wide, sad eyes. ‘I’ve just been through a lot today. My thoughts are scattered.’

He nods. ‘Understood.’

‘Okay. I like living here on this ship. I want to stay and help out with rescuing humans and putting together a sanctuary, so they don’t have to go through what I did when I was returned after being abducted. I like—’

He interrupts, ‘I want to know if you left on purpose. Did you leave because of me, because of what we did?’

‘No!’ I turn to face him fully. ‘I didn’t!’

‘Then how did he sneak you off that station? It seemed like you must have cooperated, otherwise how—knock-out gas does not work on humans.’

‘He suffocated me. I followed him into a storage room—I know that was dumb—but he closed me up in there and somehow took all the air out. I thought I was dying.’

Lu snarls, startling me into silence. When he sees my reaction, he quiets himself then resumes his comforting purr. ‘Apologies. It is just—that is very dangerous, what you are describing.’

‘I know, right? I need to go back to that station and give him a piece of my mind, the kidnapping bastard!’

He combs my hair some more and says, ‘I will assist you.’

I remember how cowed Sal and Shawn looked when Lu roared at them. That was satisfying to witness. ‘Okay, you can help.’

I relax into his chest. He is much bigger than me. Like, I guess I get distracted by the tentacles I hadn’t really taken in how huge Lu is. I’m not a small girl, but I could sprawl out on this dude like a bed. It makes me feel small and safe and taken care of being snuggled by him. Add that to the rumbling purr and the hair petting and I just feel so cozy.

I don’t notice that I fall asleep on Lu, but I wake up to loud knocking on the door.

Glor—eee—ah!’ Mandy yells from the other side. ‘We have a situation!’


‘Are you decent? Can I come in?’


Mandy does an exaggerated gasp. ‘So you two are doing it? Like right now?’


Ken says, ‘They were sleeping.’ From the other side of the door.

‘Quiet you! How would you know?’

‘Should I quiet or answer?’

‘Ugh! Never mind! Gloria, get dressed and come out here!’

I respond with, ‘I would, except I don’t have any clothes in here.’

‘Oh, right.’ There is a momentary pause and then she asks Ken, ‘Can you go get Gloria some clothes from the storage bay?’

I don’t hear his answer, but Mandy says to me through the door, ‘Okay, you stay in there and I’ll tell you what’s going on.’


‘Sal has reported Lu to the Intergalactic-whatever of Planets. I can’t remember what they’re called! Anyway, Sal is being a fucking snitch and trying to get your boyfriend arrested!’

‘Oh, my God!’

‘Right? And it’s such bullshit too because the Federation doesn’t condone slavery, so Sal can’t accuse him of stealing his kidnapped human slave.’

I try to stand, but I’m still wound up in tentacles.

‘What is Sal saying then? What did he report?’ Lu isn’t letting me loose, if anything he’s holding me tighter and nuzzling his cheek against the top of my head as a few of the tentacles start to do this kind of pulse thing where he’s caressing me while gripping me.

‘He’s claiming that Lu abducted you from Earth to start with! And he says that he had rescued you, but Lu stole you back and is holding you hostage!’

‘That lying mother-fucker!’


‘So what are we going to do?’

Lu hasn’t said anything. He is wholly unconcerned as he pets and nuzzles me. His coloring is a luminous, glowing pink. If pink equals happy, then this is the happiest I’ve ever seen him.

Why isn’t he worried about getting arrested?

‘Well, that’s what I wanted to talk to you guys about. We have an order that Lu is supposed to present himself to some ‘Ruling Body’ for judgement within three days. There’s also a request for you and me to testify about our abductions. But Seven has suggested that we could speak with Sal and have him drop the charges.’

This whole time she’s talking, I’m trying to keep quiet because a tentacle that had been tightly wrapped around my leg has inched up, constricting, and caressing my thigh, and now it has reached—

‘I don’t want to talk to Sal, but that seems to be our best option and it’s probably what he is counting on, the fucker.’

Mandy is on a rant now, so as long as I keep quiet, she probably won’t even notice that—

‘Seven thinks it might be Shawn behind this whole business. Like, if Sal really cares about Shawn he might be doing all of this to try and keep him happy.’

Lu has brought a rough palm to the back of my neck, his claws resting against my throat and jaw as he holds me still. I’m like putty. He’s—I know he can tell what turns me on by how I smell. He knows what works. He’s doing everything so slowly though. The tentacle at my upper thigh hasn’t actually crossed the line. I want it to though and I find myself trying to grind down, trying to get—

‘Lu, what do you think?’

‘I think’—as Lu is talking that slow tentacle moves along the seam of my pussy—’that Seven is right.’ He spears the very tip up through my folds to caress my clit. When I gasp, he fills my mouth with another tentacle to help me keep quiet. I flashback to that time we were hiding at the beach house, and he shut me up by wrapping a tentacle around my face and I bit him. I consider biting him now. Not hard, but a little nip. I don’t do that. Instead, I lick him, moving my tongue over the delicate cups on the underside of the tentacle and applying suction.

His whole body shudders. I swear, his eyes roll back in his head for a moment.

‘Okay, I’ll have Seven comm him and invite him to chat,’ Mandy says agreeably. I’ve completely lost the thread of this conversation. Another tentacle rubs over my whole pussy, the cups bumping against every sensitive area. Not just my pussy, but between my cheeks, too, and it’s sensory overload. How did my legs end up spread open, offering everything up to this alien? Is he doing that, restraining me with his tentacles or did I position myself so lewdly without realizing it?

‘I’m sure he’s waiting for the call. We’ll probably be able to get this over with tomorrow—oh, thanks Ken.’

Lu has managed somehow to move behind me—or turn me around? It’s just with all the tentacles, being held and touched in so many different ways at once, I can’t keep track. He’s still gripping my nape, claws digging in just a tiny bit as he feeds more of that tentacle into my mouth forcing me to open wider, take more of him as he purrs and nuzzles the side of my face.

I hear Ken talk quietly to Mandy, I can’t understand what he’s saying, and I don’t care.

‘Oh!’ Mandy says, startled by whatever Ken told her. ‘Well, I’ll just leave these clothes here for you, Gloria. Come to the cafeteria when you’re—um—ready. Okay?’

The tentacle that had been rubbing my pussy changes course and it stiffens and twists inside. I immediately clamp down on it, but it keeps moving inside me, giving me more, too much. There’s a stinging stretch and—

‘You are so open for me,’ Lu says in my ear. ‘You want this so badly.’

I draw a desperate breath through my nose as I make an inarticulate noise around—and oh, he’s caressing the tips of my breasts with those cups and applying suction to my clit. He’s just not letting up. I’m going to—

‘It is deviant how you want to be penetrated not only here,’ he fucks into my pussy with a bit of force, ‘but also here.’ The tentacle in my mouth withdraws only to spear back in. ‘I like this.’ I can tell. He’s purring so strongly it’s vibrating my body everywhere he’s touching me. ‘Can you take more for me? Open more?’

I don’t get to answer, he just goes ahead. The grip on my thighs pulls my legs open even further as he pushes me to take more. In my mouth, in my pussy. This is more than sex, it keeps ratcheting up in intensity, and I—

‘And what about…’ A tentacle tip brushes against my ass, applying the slightest pressure to that opening.

I’m coming. Immediately, overwhelmingly. The tidal wave of sensation that has been building in me breaks and I’m shuddering. I think I might be spasming. Maybe I bite down on the tentacle in my mouth, I don’t know. I can’t keep track of my own body and my own feelings. I’ve completely given myself over.

As I recover, all limp muscles, and gasping breaths, he’s removed all of his hands and tentacles from me, save one that is wrapped around my waist. It pulls me up to stand and then turns to push me against the wall, squishing my breasts, and I have to turn my face, so my nose doesn’t hit. One knee is grasped and pushed up and away and I’m lifted so the foot touching the floor is up on tip-toe and then leaves the floor entirely as I feel the pressure of his alien cock prodding against my over-sensitive pussy. As he fucks into me, I feel myself flutter around him and then grip tightly as he works and pushes, forcing as much of himself into me as he can.

‘Tell me,” he growls, and that clawed hand is back on my nape, ‘you want this.’

‘I do!’ I gasp as he pulls out just the slightest bit giving himself room to slam back into me, forcing me to take even more of him.

‘You need me.’ Now he’s picking up the pace, working toward his own climax. But I want—I might—

‘Tell me. Say that you need me. That you would never leave—”

‘I do—I wouldn’t, ever—I—”

And I’m coming again, and he fucks me through it until he’s coming, too. I swear I can feel that alien cock that I still haven’t seen pulse as he comes.

I’m a limp noodle plastered against this wall, shivering, and gasping for breath.

This is the best, most intense sexual experience of my life. I feel—

I can’t even.

Leave him? Never. Not ever.

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