Captivated By The Fae: A Cinderella Retelling (Once Upon a Fairy Tale Romance Book 2)

Captivated By The Fae: Chapter 39

He wraps me in his arms and wings as he claims my mouth in a searing kiss, stealing the breath from my lungs.

“Say you are mine, my beloved,” he breathes into my mouth.

“I’m yours,” I barely manage between kisses.

His hands are everywhere all at once, and I cannot stop touching him either. His stav is a hard bar between us. I inhale sharply as he rolls his hips against mine. I want him so badly.

He reaches down to touch my cheek. His pupils are blown wide so that only a thin rim of green is barely visible around the edges. I watch as his canines extend into sharpened points.

“Ella, I long to give you my mark and bind you to me in the ways of my people. But I do not want to hurt you.”

I press a finger to his lips and cup the back of his neck, pulling his mouth back down to mine. “I trust you. I love you, Ryvan.”

He kisses me, long and deep. When he pulls back, his mouth drifts open and he stares down at me in wonder as he smooths his hand down the length of my body.

“You are perfect, Ella,” he breathes.

I run my hands over the hard planes of muscle along his abdomen and chest. I allow my gaze to drift down to his stav. It’s hard and erect, and liquid beads at the tip. I reach out and tentatively touch him, surprised that he is so large my fingers do not quite meet around him.

He groans as I trace my hand along his length, noting the ridges that line his shaft and the thicker base. More liquid gathers on the tip. When I swipe my thumb over his crown, a rumbling purr starts in his chest. He drops his head to the curve of my neck and shoulder. “I want you, Ella. I want to seal you to me. Are you sure you want me, my love?”

I cup his cheek and force his glowing green eyes to mine. “More than anything, Ryvan.”

He seals his mouth over mine and then kisses a heated trail down the length of my body. He slides his hands up my thighs and gently parts my knees, baring me to his gaze. He dips his tongue between my folds, and I gasp as he brushes his tongue over the small bundle of nerves at the top.

His rumbling purr sounds in response, and I arch against him at the delicious sensation that moves through me.

I run my fingers through his hair, holding him in place as he teases his tongue over the sensitive pearl of flesh. My entire body goes taut like a bowstring and then I’m coming, harder than I ever have before.

I’m not even fully recovered before he moves back up my body, settling between my thighs. “Forgive me, Ella. I can wait no longer.”

He reaches between us and aligns his stav with my entrance. His gaze holds mine, and the breath stutters from my lungs as he slowly enters me.

He clenches his jaw and it is easy to see he is struggling to maintain his control.

At first, it feels tight and uncomfortable like I’ve always heard it would. When he pushes through my barrier, I inhale sharply, and he stills.

Tears escape my lashes. He reaches down and touches my cheek. “Ella, am I hurting you?”

“I just need a moment to adjust,” I whisper.

He gently brushes the tears away and presses tender kisses to my cheeks, brow, and nose. After a moment, my body relaxes around him, and I encourage him to continue.

He rocks his hips back and forth, gently advancing until his stav is completely sheathed inside me. Tight heat blooms deep in my core, but when he shifts his hips, the pain disappears and becomes only pleasure.

I cling to him as he begins a slow rhythm. I trace my hands over his back, enjoying the movement of his muscles beneath the tips of my fingers with each flex of his hips.

He stares down at me, his green eyes full of desire and possession. “You are mine, Ella.”

The delicious friction of his stav as he moves in my channel is almost more than I can bear. Closing my eyes, my head falls back as I surrender myself to sensation. He touches my face, drawing my attention back to him.

“I want to watch you as you find your release, Ella.”

His gaze holds mine as each stroke lengthens and deepens. Desire coils tight in my core. I can feel his stav begin to expand as he knots deep inside me. I’m so full it’s almost to the point of pain, but not quite.

My toes curl as his control begins to slip and his pace quickens. I wrap my arms and legs tighter around his form as he thrusts into me. Each stroke becoming longer, more forceful and deeper.

Fire sparks deep within and my release roars through me. I cry out his name as wave after wave of pleasure moves through my entire body.

Without warning, he drops his head to the curve of my neck and sinks his fangs deep into my flesh. The pain morphs into pleasure when his stav begins to pulse as he erupts deep inside my channel, filling me with his seed.

The delicious warmth feels infinite and triggers another orgasm, this one even stronger than the last.

When he pulls back, he laves his tongue over the two puncture wounds. He collapses on top of me, then rolls us onto our sides, remaining knotted within me. He lightly brushes his fingers across my face, staring at me as if I were a rare and precious treasure.

He pulls me even closer, wrapping his wings possessively around my form. “You are mine,” he whispers against my lips. “And I am yours.”

His hands continue to move over me as if he cannot stop touching me. I do the same, reassuring myself this is real.

After a while, his knot finally ebbs, and he carefully withdraws from my body. When he does, his nostrils flare, and his eyes fill with panic. “You are bleeding. I hurt you.”

My heart clenches at the pain in his expression. I cup his cheek. “No. It’s normal to bleed the first time. You didn’t hurt me. I’m fine, my love.”

He hugs me tightly to his chest, tugging the blankets around us both. He wraps me in his arms again. His wings fold around me a moment later, and I snuggle into his warmth.

His stav is still hard and erect between us as I meet his gaze. “You want me again so soon?”

He presses his lips to mine. “Always.”

When I wake in the morning, I notice all the details I’ve missed in this room before. Before last night, I was sleeping in guest chambers down the hallway and Ryvan would stay with me there, holding me the past few nights until our ceremony yesterday.

These chambers, although large, are furnished comfortably. Tapestries hang on each wall, depicting Fae dressed in elegant clothing and soldiers ready for battle. An intricately carved wooden desk and chair sit in one corner. A fireplace is set into the opposite wall near the bed, a fire burning in the hearth. Ryvan must have lit the fire last night while I slept.

I gaze up at the four-poster bed and note the strange vines that wind up each post. They are covered in delicate, white, glowing flowers. I touch one, and the soft petals curl around my finger.

“These are lovely.”

He nuzzles my temple. “They only bloom during my mating cycle. When it is over, they release a light dusting of pollen then slowly fade away.” He peers at me curiously. “Do humans not have anything like this?”


“Perhaps it is because my people are so connected to nature. Our magic suffuses everything in our kingdom.”

He rolls me beneath him, and his nostrils flare. When his eyes snap open, they are filled with desire. “Your scent,” he rasps. “It is maddening. I need you, my Ella.”

He takes me again, but this time more slowly and gently as if he is worshipping and memorizing every inch of my body.

His stav expands as he knots deep inside me. The small muscles of my channel quiver and flex around him as I come, and he fills me with his essence.

When we make love a third time, my body tightens around him as I find my release. I cry out his name, and he pulses deep inside me.

He collapses. I love the sensation of his weight as he covers me, pinning me to the mattress beneath him. With wonder, I watch the delicate flowers release their pollen in a fine cloud of dust falling around us. He lifts his head and frowns at the pollen floating and settling.

I cup his cheek. “What is wrong?”

“It is strange,” he murmurs. “They are supposed to last at least three days.”

I’m about to ask him why, but he captures my mouth in a searing kiss. When he pulls back, his gaze speaks of love and devotion. “I can hardly wait to show you everything about our kingdom, Ella. There is so much I want to share with you, my beloved.”

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