Captivated By The Fae: A Cinderella Retelling (Once Upon a Fairy Tale Romance Book 2)

Captivated By The Fae: Chapter 15

It’s a bit earlier than it was last night when I met Ella, but we did not agree on a time to meet again, and I do not want her to wait long. Besides, I am eager to know that she is well. I could not sleep for worry after what happened between us last night. What if she lied, and she is afraid of me? After all, she called me a monster after she saw my fangs fully extended.

At my insistence, Mirna trots quickly but stealthily from the stables. “Are we traveling to the veil again? To meet the girl?” Her voice echoes in my mind.


“What you do is dangerous, you know.”

I purse my lips at her chastising. “I am well aware.”

“Your father dislikes humans.”

I run a hand through her lovely, long, white mane. “And what do you think?”

She falls silent as if considering. After a moment, she replies, “I like her. She is funny. And… you seem to be fond of her, as well.”

I tense. “Are you trying to cause trouble?”

“Did I strike a nerve?”

I do not answer. The truth is, she did. I am falling in love with Ella. Moreover, I feel that affection deep in my soul.

As we draw closer to the veil, my nostrils flare when a saline scent permeates the air. I narrow my eyes as they sweep over the forest.

Ahead, I notice Ella sitting on the felled trunk. Her shoulders shake with heaving sobs. My heart clenches at the sight. Quickly, I dismount and make my way toward her. She stands and turns as if to leave.

“Ella, wait!” I call out. She stops, not bothering to turn around. “Where are you going? I thought you wished to—”

“I should not have come.” Her voice quavers. “Just tell me what night the Silver Moon Ball occurs, and I’ll return then.”

Her answer puzzles me. “Did you not wish to learn more spells? I thought—”

“Are they strong enough to defend against a witch?”

I clench my jaw. “No. They are basic defense spells against… lesser adversaries.”

“Then they will do me no good.”

Only now do I notice her body is trembling. I move toward her and gently touch her forearm. She jerks away as if my touch were fire.

“Ella, I will not harm you. My vow. I merely wish to know what is wrong. What has upset you so?”

“I—” Her voice breaks as she lowers her head. The strong saline scent fills the air once more, and I circle back to face her. She lifts her gaze to mine, her eyes filled with tears. Her face is puffy, and her eyelids are swollen and red. Cautiously, I reach out and touch her cheek, brushing away her tears with the soft pad of my thumb.

“When is the Silver Moon Ball?” she asks, her voice quavering slightly.

I’m confused. Why is she asking me this? “Ella, what—”

“How many days from now?” she cuts me off abruptly.

“It falls directly in the middle of the silver moon cycle. A little less than a fortnight.”

“Then I will return on that night.”

Only now do my eyes notice the light bruising on her neck in the shape of a hand.

She starts to turn away, but I gently take her hand in mine. “What happened to your neck? Please, Ella. Tell me what is wrong. Who did this to you?”

She lowers her gaze. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Was it the witch?”

She shakes her head. “My stepmother did not do this.”

I still, shocked by her statement. “Your stepmother is the witch?”

“Yes. My father married her about a year after my mother’s death. I… do not think he knew what she was when they met. She hid her goblin form, and by the time he found out it was too late. She had already enchanted him.” She pauses. “And when he died, she turned me into a servant.”

I clench my jaw as my gaze travels once more over the bruising on her neck. “If she did not do this to you, who did?”

“The man she has sold me to—the one I’m to marry.”

Fierce possessiveness, followed quickly by anger, rushes through me. “Who is he? Give me his name.”

“Malforn,” she replies.

Curling my hands into fists, I commit his name to memory. I will end him for daring to harm her.

Her gaze drops to my fists. “It’s all right, Ryvan. I’ll be gone long before he returns to collect me for our wedding. The Silver Moon Ball is fast approaching, and afterward, you will help me to escape.”

Her words fill me with guilt. I am a selfish male to put her health and safety below mine. I shake my head. “No. You do not have to wait until the ball. I will find another way to get you to Arnafell… or somewhere else. Anywhere else. I will not risk you being harmed again by a monster.”

“But what about my part of the bargain?”

“It does not matter. I would not see you harmed just to wait out the terms of our agreement.”

She cups my cheek. “I will be fine, Ryvan. In less than a fortnight, I’ll be on a ship bound for Arnafell and you’ll be as you wish—without a wife.”

I sigh heavily. “I may be forced to marry whether I want to or not.”

“Come with me… on the ship.” Her eyes search mine. “We can run away together.”

It is a lovely dream and my first inclination is to agree, but then I realize that I cannot. I am heir to the kingdom of Anara, but Ella does not know this. I’ve never told her exactly who I am. To her, I am simply Ryvan.

“I wish I could, Ella, but I cannot leave my family. My father, brother, and my grandfather would all be devastated if I left them.”

“I suppose if I still had my parents, I would feel the same. I do not blame you, Ryvan. You are blessed to still have a family.”

It’s on the tip of my tongue to offer her a place in the castle, but what could I truly promise her? Father hates humans. He would never agree to allow one to stay with us. “Yes, I am.”

She gives me a warm smile. “Let us talk of other things.”

Reluctantly, I nod.

“I think we should practice our dancing.” She grins. “Especially if you do not want me to cause us to trip while we’re out on the floor.”

A soft laugh escapes me. “That would be quite a sight indeed.”

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