Blindsight: Complete Series

Blindsight: Book 3 – Chapter 12

We pulled up the dirt track that led to the secluded cabin less than an hour later and a world away. Hunter jumped out as soon as we arrived, and with his laptop under one arm, he headed up the steps to set up at the kitchen table. I sighed when I saw him get to work, clicking, scrolling, and reading. I licked my lips and pulled my small bag from the car before walking to the lakeshore and the sparkling blue waves that pulled me into cool numbness.

My silence was interrupted a minute later when my phone rattled again, signaling yet another call from my mother. I denied the call, unable to even form my own thoughts, much less able to speak to her. I put the phone on vibrate and shoved it deep into my bag, thinking how nice it would be if this place were really off the grid. No cells, no wifi. That was what Hunter and I really needed.

And then my mind wandered to a life in wit-pro. I had no idea what that would look like, where we would even be located, but the danger was so high, apparently it was worth pursuing. My stomach rolled with worry before I sat in the sand, right beneath the tree that Hunter had tied me to just the last time we were here. I ran my fingers through the soft dirt thinking about what a life with Hunter and Hunter alone would look like.

Just us. The three of us. My dusty fingertips trailed to my flat abdomen as I imagined it blooming out in a few short months. I should go to the doctor, schedule a prenatal and get vitamins, but I hadn’t had time to think about any of that because I’d been running. Running at full speed into a bucket full of problems, when all I really wanted to do was run away.

But wasn’t that what wit-pro would provide? My escape? And best of all I could still have Hunter, and we could live the life that suited us. Photography and shoots and an intimate, cozy home surrounded with love and laughter and creativity. That was my light at the end of the tunnel.

So maybe wit-pro was the right answer. Maybe it was the only answer. Maybe the fighting was best left up to the Feds, and Hunter could really be free. I trailed my fingertips in the dirt as the sun sparkled like diamonds off the clear water.

“Sorry I ran in, supervisor sent some files over he wanted me to look at.” Hunter’s resonant voice approached from behind.

And despite all the worry, despite the anxiety that enveloped us, I smiled.

I looked up at his crystal green gaze and grinned. “That’s okay. I was just thinking.” I looked back out to the lake as I felt him sit down beside me. His big hand wove into mine, our fingers intertwined as we watched the water dance and glitter.

“What were you thinking about?” He ducked and placed a soft kiss at the velvet corner of my neck.

“Wit-pro.” My eyes cast to the ground. “Maybe it’s time.” Long silent beats stretched between us where I felt only his hand clutched in mine.

He squeezed and then moved closer. “It’s safest. For all of us.” His fingertips whispered across my waist before clasping my other hand in his and turning me to him. His piercing greens burned through mine. “Anywhere you want.” He placed soft kisses on my knuckles.

I nodded as water pricked at my eyelids before I launched myself into his arms, a torrent of tears raging down my cheeks. He held me as I sobbed, feeling emotions and hormones releasing the tension of my body. He was what I needed. If I had his arms to wrap around me and tell me it would be okay, I would be okay.

I pulled away, taking a deep breath and forcing a small smile on my face as I wiped at the tears. “Thank you.” I clutched his stubbled jawline, feeling the stiff whiskers scrape against my fingertips and send currents of electricity racing through me. “Thank you so much,” I murmured and pressed a kiss against his lips.

“Any time.” He quirked a cocky grin that had my stomach twisting with laughter. We giggled in a fit for a minute before he ran a hand through my hair and his face softened. “Let’s go inside. My baby mama needs to eat.” His face curved in a smile that lit fire in my toes. He looked so happy.

“I’m not a mom yet.”

“Minute I put a baby in you, you became a mama. Get used to it.” He pulled me from my spot on the ground and swatted at my dust covered ass. The sweet sting landed before his smooth palm rubbed at the very place he’d probably left a faint red mark. His mark.

I tossed my bag on the table when we entered the cabin as Hunter headed to the fridge. I heard the faint sound of my cell vibrating deep in my bag and sighed, pushing the leather across the table, knowing exactly whose name the caller ID would read.

“Mom?” Hunter asked.

“Yeah.” I wiggled behind him and snaked my arms around his tight waistline.

“Gonna ignore her forever?” He cast a sideways glance.

“Maybe.” I shrugged and ran my fingers under the soft cotton of his shirt. My fingers danced around the rippled bulges of his abdomen. I could picture him in fatigues, hot and damp with sweat, working out in the desert, his dog tags gleaming on his bare chest. Jesus, he was an army god.

“Well, Ms. Warner, can’t get enough lately, hmm?” That devilish twinkle I loved lit his eyes.

I swatted his chest. “It’s the hormones! It makes me want to hump your leg all day,” I grumbled and pulled away. His deep baritone laugh echoed through the small kitchen.

“Don’t get pouty.” He spun me in his arms. “Wasn’t complaining.” He caught my lip between his teeth and tugged, sending fire-bolts shooting between my thighs, my clit buzzing. “In fact…” He trailed off as one hand dipped below my waistline and found its way to my panties. His thumb ran through the damp folds beneath the cotton before he slipped a finger in and ravaged my clit. He pinched and swirled and brought me to a swift orgasm against the kitchen counter, leaving me panting and more turned on.

“Mmm.” He shoved his fingers covered in my pussy into his heavenly mouth. The sight alone nearly made me come again. “Fuck, love your taste.” He was lifting me on the kitchen counter before his hands were pushing the pants down my legs, and I was bare and open for him, laid out like a holiday platter. His eyes danced and gleamed before his hands were between my legs, his thick thumbs invading my entrance and fucking me with raw force.

I squirmed and moaned, desperate to feel his long, hard cock impaling me, but when his lips attacked my clit as his fingers thrust and I came again, I forgot about anything else other than the tornado of feeling racing through my body.

I slowly came back to reality on the kitchen counter, my eyes fluttering open to see Hunter shirtless at the end of the kitchen island between my legs, his jeans undone and hanging off his hips, his heavy cock stretching straight for me. I licked my lips and squirmed, feeling arousal flood my body and overwhelm me at the sight of him.

“You’re beautiful,” I whispered, free of the filter I usually carried.

“You’re mine,” he growled, and just like that, his hands were at my hips and his massive dick was splitting me. He rocked and fucked and found a rhythm that reminded me that sex wasn’t just lovemaking, it was passionate and primal, raw fucking, and I couldn’t imagine doing it any other way.

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