Big City Darkened Nights

Chapter #15 - dinning with royalty

As the food slowly disappears, Halford sits back and lets out a rumbling belch. He directs the servants to start removing things while others pour up crystal glasses with a local peach wine.

Downing the first glass like water Halford pulls Carr’s coin pouch out, “I don’t like the wine but this peach stuff is something. Like a dessert for men.” He holds up the bag for all to see, “And after dinner is always a great time for a tale.” He tosses the pouch to Carr.

Catching the pouch, Carr wonders what to say as all eyes linger upon him, “These gems aren’t part of your treasure, sir.”

Halford smiles and leans back getting comfortable, “We’re fairly sure of that. There is speculation to where they came from and how you got them.”

Oh crap, they are not going to like knowing where they came from. Nervously Carr queries, “are you sure your Majesty? I wouldn’t want to offend anyone here. For something I did foolishly.”

Casually Halford states, “If it’s Monsteil. I’ve got no friends there.” Giving Carr a knowing wink.

Captain Avilo turns to Carr, “The week before you arrived here, a few of Montiel’s arrogant men came through. They were looking for a lone thief dressed in black scale-mail. They say he killed twelve men and stole King Darvel’s whole tax collection.”

“Oh.” Realizing the King just wants to hear the other side of the Monsteil account Carr starts with why he set out to retrieve two rings. He humors them with the stormy night and stinky Ogre. Carr leaves meeting Kryston out of the story, saying the crossing was peaceful. He sees the dinner party enjoying the tale, so he goes in to detail on the job. The strange woman in the Inn became younger and more beautiful.

Describing the skilled shot out the window Dell interrupts the young rogue’s tale, “Impossible, you can’t fire a bow like that.”

Annoyed at Dell for cutting in, King Halford straightens him out, “It can be done. It’s easier when you’re small and agile. Go on Carr.”

Describing how he positioned himself for Dell’s satisfaction Carr fully replays the event. Exciting a few of the men with the hit. That makes the room laugh telling them he fell out the window.

Deciding to keep the caper simpler Carr tells them about knocking out one more guard. Everything he stole was found in a chest in the Lord’s bedchamber.

King Halford comments, “I wonder how much King Darvel would pay to find out his most trusted man is stealing from him.” He also points out, “There’s no way you could steal what they said was taken. Need two horses for sure. Guess that’s why you’d like one of those bottomless bags, hmm? Anyway, tell us how you got away.”

Carr informs the King he slept across the street in the Inn until first light. They were in awe that the young thief hung around and so close.

Telling them he barely made it to his horse when the guards came. Just managing to get him and the horse though the gates, before the men could close them. While evading hundreds of arrows before they make it into the mountains.

Almost acting out the fight in the mountainside, Carr keeps the hall entertained. Leaving out Kryston again Carr says he walked to Ingleside and collapsed outside of Violetta’s. Ending the tale, with hiding out in the Tau forest ever since.

The majority of the hall seems to have enjoyed the after-dinner story. Of course, a few glasses of wine help.

Speaking to Carr, Halford gives a compliment, “Not only did you provide us an amusing tale. We’ll probably attempt to pick a lock before retiring.” Speaking to the entire hall, “You see again, where a story becomes twisted to suit another’s need.”

Junior wishes he could’ve gone along.

Getting his fifth glass of wine down, Cornelious pats Carr on the back.

Seeing Avilo isn’t too happy Carr redirects the conversation, “Yes, many people believe I’m being used to cover up something much bigger. In a month I’ve seen three King’s treasures and been fortunate to still be here.” He glances at the mage, “And I’m hoping this man of yours’ will be able to help me with one last problem.”

“Oh yes,” Halford almost forgot, “Cornelious tell us what you can.”

The old mage stands popping bones into place.

Creakily Cornelious walks into the center of the hall.

“Try not to be long winded,” Halford politely suggests to the mage.

“Yes King.” Cornelious addresses the room like a lecture hall. “Night hags. Are merely former witches living out their after lives on planes of Hell. They spend eternity searching to covert corrupted souls. Converting them into Larvae. To be consumed before there time in hopes of gaining skills.”

“Ah,” Carr has a question many others do, “What is a Larvae, exactly?”

The mage explains it simply, “Similar to a white grub or maggot but with the souls’ birth face and as long as the being was tall, with no limbs to carry them away.

Disgusted Halford wants him to get on with it, “Very informative. What’s your plan?”

“Yes I’m getting to that.” Thirsty Cornelious retrieves his goblet to drink the remaining wine, “Night hags will visit chosen victim in their dreams. Night after night until they drain the victim’s energy and either convert or kill them.” He speaks directly to the King, “I have a concern. If our good Captain and his men were close by when she tried to take the boy she might come for them as well. Maybe not right away but later in life.”

Everyone turns to see how the King responds.

On the spot Halford can see his queen getting concerned, “That Hag would not be welcome here. So please tell us how can she be stopped?”

The mage purposes, “Since she’s obviously projecting herself. I’ll need to watch him sleep and when she comes, I can find out from where and teleport there.”

The King quietly confers with his Queen.

Junior asks Avilo if he can go to Hell. Carr and others hear Halford’s oldest child asking if he can go too.

The men on the over side mummer with each other.

Avilo asks Cornelious. “How long will this take?”

“Could be all night?” Truly unsure the mage shrugs, “Maybe days.”

Carr has concerns. “What happens if she kills me in my sleep?”

“Yes, what of that?” Halford points out, “You still haven’t told us how to get rid of it.”

“It can be defeated with magically enhanced or blessed weapons of a greater power than two.” Cornelious strokes his beard, “If Carr dies in his sleep? We’ll just have to wait and see if she comes for someone else.”

Nobody likes the answer given, a few are asking what happens if it’s them next. That upsets Halford’s family.

Trying to keep the situation calm Avilo asks the mage. “Before there’s an argument. Let’s say you can find this Hag and teleport us there. How many can you take with you there and back?”

“That’s the other thing,” the mage lets them know, “with the magic used I can only take about five men and myself and hope to have enough power to get back.”

The men on the other side share ideas.

As the King and Queen continue to confer Carr can make out what’s said. The King’s up for adventure, the Queen’s insisting other’s go, in his place. Their youngest son and daughter are both asking to go, getting snickers from those close by.

A paladin’s code and a man’s curiosity Avilo stands proudly stating, “If my men are to be at risk, I will go. My sword waits patiently for victories over evil.” With an open palm he gestures to Carr, “If this young man’s skills are as good as he says, we should only need two more men.”

Feeling the need Carr stands, “I must go and see this through. I don’t have an enchanted weapon.”

Mainly because Avilo is going Dell rises, “My blade has the strength. I will gladly go. And Carr has a weapon, the mace he collected is blessed to the fourth power.”

Junior isn’t going to be left out, getting up he pats Carr’s shoulder, “Nice weapon, you could take on Liches.” He turns to the King, “My blade is strong enough your Majesty. I have got to go just to see Carr in action.”

The comment breaks the conversation with the royal couple. Looking at Junior, Halford jests, “I hope you want to do more than watch.”

The senior officers laugh at Junior.

“Yes. Of course, your Majesty,” Junior bows.

“Well good.” Halford suggests while looking to his wife, “You should still take one more just in case. And since I have been over ruled. Avilo pick a man you think worthy.”

Captain Avilo surveys the men in the hall, “Yes Sir.”

Halford’s two children are still asking to go. Queen Halford turns to them, “There is no way. If your father isn’t going you two are not going.”

Smirking Halford asks Avilo. “Whom are you thinking about?”

Captain Avilo points out two men, “James or Paul.”

The other men sigh and grumble. Paul a well-groomed man of late twenties stands and nods. James rough in appearance and a few years older stands stone-faced.

“My tax collection officer?” Halford looks at Paul surprised at Avilo’s choices, “James? James are you in for this kind of danger?”

Speaking in a soft, firm tone James replies, “I’ll go sir.”

Not seeing the two men as the most vigorous in the hall Halford is curious of Avilo’s decision, “How did you choose?”

“Sir. In the last battle, I saw they both worked well and kept their wits about them,” Avilo also mentions, “They didn’t have to be directed. They went right where I wanted.”

Not seeing it in Paul, only his loyalty as an officer, Halford agrees with Avilo. “That’s the kind of men I want with me.” He turns to the pair, “Have either of you a suitable weapon?”

They both nod, Halford sits back trying to think who’d be better suited.

Halford’s oldest son inquires, “Father who’s killed the most?”

“Excellent question son.” The King turns to the pair, “Well Paul how many?”

Paul responds immediately. “Thirty-seven. Your Majesty”

Rolling his eyes, James utters. “Thirty-six.” Pointing slightly at Paul, “That one shouldn’t count.”

Sounding like kids with a long-standing gripe Halford looks to Avilo, “Do you know what that’s about?”

“A Brownie sir.” Some of the men start snickering as Avilo explains, “Paul fell from his horse landing on the small Brownie crushing the small being.”

Finding the image amusing Halford smiles widely asking Paul, “Tell me Paul was it during a fight?”

“Yes your Majesty.” Paul speaks humbly, “It was during the attack on the Goblin outpost last year.”

Still picturing it Halford laughs, “Well it’s good enough for a tie breaker. Sorry James, we’ll give you the consideration in the future.”

Shrugging it off, James bows slightly before sitting.

Halford fills one more glass of wine gesturing for a toast. The men fill and raise a glass. Cornelious ambles over to the table to get another.

Seeing a hoisted glass in everyone’s hand King Halford toasts the men, “May the Gods look favorably on your actions. Stay spry and come home alive.” Gesturing to the hall with his glass he clinks glasses with those around him before drinking it down.

The hall echoes with ringing crystal as the chosen are saluted.

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