A New Era

Chapter Chapter Seventeen

Our prison escape was almost a week ago, and thankfully we found safety here with my grandparents. After our escape, the entire rebellion made their way here. A few stayed behind, to keep an eye out on the capital and make sure there were no sneak attacks. Thankfully President Martin was in the dark on the location of our whereabouts.

A few days ago though, one of the members undercover got in contact with us. Since our break out, the president has called upon other government leaders around the world, and most of them sent down troops to help.

Other countries, all around the world, had no rebellion groups. I remember long ago, reading in the history books that we were the only country to be brave enough to start a rebellion against the government. Which was kind of crazy if you think about it. For years, I thought there would be more people going against these laws and regulations, but I guess they were too scared to go against their own leaders.


My thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of my brother. I turned to face him, a worried expression on his face. I gave him a reassuring smile.

"I'm good. Just thinking."

"Yeah? About what?" He asked raising his eyebrow slightly. The two of us were sitting in the lounge area, everyone else was out and about for the day.

"Noah?" He asked as he wiggled his eyebrows.


"Oh come on. You two were in the bathroom together, alone..." He teased as he nudged my side. I lifted the mug to my lips taking a sip of the lukewarm coffee.

"Yeah..what of it?" I asked glancing at him.

"Nothing nothing." He said with a slight smirk. I rolled my eyes as I took another sip of my coffee before setting the mug down on the table.

"Right." I replied with a giggle and glanced over my shoulder hearing the door open. Noah, Ben and Krista walked in, followed by Jill, Linda and Joe.

"Hey Hey! Patrols and scouting are done. Along with adding more security cameras. Good thing your grandparents had more stored up." Noah said with a smile as he plopped down next to me, an arm draped around my shoulders.

The first thing we did as soon as we got here is to find more cameras and set them up. We had to be a lot more cautious this time.

Once we found the cameras and set them up, the only thing to do was sit back and just wait, like sitting ducks. Thankfully though, we hadn't been spotted on this island. Our grandparents made sure to continue setting up hidden cameras and whatnot to make sure there were no sneak attacks.

"So, what now?" Ben asked as he plopped down on one of the seats. We all sat there quietly not knowing what to say. There wasn't much we could do at the moment, not until we had another plan. Some plans worked, like rescuing Noah and Linda.

The plan for killing President Martin, failed completely.

"I don't know. But we can't give up." Kyle spoke up this time as he stood up from the couch.

"We can't let him win. We can't."

I turned my gaze over to my brother and then back to the others.

"I wish we had more people..." Krista muttered, arms crossed over her chest. The room got eerily quiet for a few minutes, everyone staring into space. Not a moment later and suddenly the sound of the alarms went off. We all jumped up, rushing for our guns and any other weapons.

"We got company!!" Someone shouted from the security room. Rushing in there, my eyes darted to the screens and in one you can see movement of a helicopter in the distance. I squinted my eyes to get a better look at it.

"Is it him?!" Kyle shouted from behind me and I quickly shook my head.

"No, it's not."


Everyone rushed outside to see who it was that was approaching. I quickly noticed that it wasn't our government symbol on that helicopter, but from the Russian government. Which by my guess was President Martins best ally.

We all stood outside the bunker as we watched the helicopter slowly lowering itself to the ground. The spinning of the choppers creating a whirlwind of dust and leaves flying in the air. I gripped onto my handgun, shifting closer to Noah.

Once the helicopter was on the ground, Joe took a step forward as two men stepped out. We couldn't see their faces since they had protective helmets on. One of them took his helmet off. He was an older gentleman around Joes age, but he had a thick black mustache, matching the color of his hair. He slowly approached us, making eye contact with me for a split second before turning back to Joe.

"You can lower your weapons, we're not here to fight." He spoke, his voice in a thick Russian accent.

"So what the hell are you doing here?" Noah asked, his eyebrows furrowed as he stared the man down. Everyone stared him down at this point, confused as hell and not knowing what to think. Do we trust this man? Hell no.

"We're here to help." He said this time.

"You're lying..." I spat out, my hand gripping tightly onto my gun. From the corner of my eye I could see Noah, Ben and Kyle do the same.

"I know you have no reason to trust us, and I understand. But we are here to help you stop this monster you call a president."

"You're on his side!" Ben spat out, taking a step closer.

The man glanced at his partner before turning his attention back to us.

"Used to be. For years, I have felt terrible for all of you under the suffering and terrors from your government. We tried to rebel ourselves, but failed miserably. Our own president isn't as dumb as yours we have had much more higher security, and that's why we were easily caught..." He explained to us.

We all exchanged doubtful looks before turning our attention back to the man.

"I know, it's hard to trust someone new. But believe me when I say I am on your side."

"Where do they think you are?" Noah asked raising an eyebrow slightly.

"Doing a security sweep."

"I guess that could work." Joe spoke this time, arms crossed over his chest. It got quiet once again, no one knew what to say.

"So? Will you let us help you?" The man asked looking at everyone. We all exchanged confused looks before I opened my mouth to speak.

"Yeah, you can help us. But I swear if you do anything to cross us, I won't hesitate to kill you myself." I snarled. He gave a slight nod and I motioned for the two of them to follow us into the bunker.

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